CHP08: Infirmary

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Karin lay silently in the white sheets of the infirmary room. She was knocked out cold and we just stared at her. This was the first time I had seen her with her hair down. It seemed perfectly symmetrical but since I couldn't necessarily measure it with a ruler I just trusted my eyes. I grinned realizing she always had it up because it's natural symmetry disgusted her.

"Will she be okay?" Patty asked beating me to the punch. I looked down worried and the nurse gave us an unsure smile. The smile reminded me of our mission. This was the first time I had failed a mission and it was the first time, they had accompanied me. I bit my lip at the thought. Then again though...

She fell to her knees showing her weakness. "Because I'm desperately in love with you okay?" She blurted. She hung her head low her face flushed red. I smirked at her words knowing she was clearly lying. Wasn't she? Her words back then hinted the slight hesitation and sarcasm. I wasn't sure now but I knew at the time. She was trying to distract me and it worked.

"Of course she is, if anyone can handle themselves it's Karin." I looked towards the door where the twins stood. The only thing that kept them standing were their crutches. Their bandages where in the exact same places. They were symmetrical again. I could finally breathe a sigh of relief.

Kyro P.O.V

"What are you guys doing here you were pretty hurt." Liz said staring at us. I blushed at her gaze. I quickly looked away. I didn't want to look lame. I smiled giving the only answer I could. Nygus quickly butted in. She was filling in for the nurse since the whole Medusa scandal.

"You two are supposed to be in your room recovering what are you doing here!" She shouted irritated but worried.

I quickly smiled rubbing the back of my head leaning my left arm on my crutch. I looked at Kei from the corner of my eye. "Because no matter how many times I reassure this kid he's still worried about our poor miester." I put a hand on his shoulder laughing. When Kei didn't laugh with me I turned stiff.

"That's not true..." He whispered. Kei clenched his fist. "I wanted to be here for her." A tear began to stream down his cheek. "because she's always been there for me." He started sobbing. "ever since I can remember. I can't even remember my mom. Whenever I think of her..." His tears began to flow faster. "I can only see Karin." I smiled at him. Oh Kei if only we were on the right side of this world. I thought to myself.

"I need to be stronger. I need to push myself. I need to be the best weapon any miester has ever had. I need to surpass dea-" I put a hand on his shoulder. If he finished his sentence we would be discovered but that wasn't my only motive, I hated to see him cry so much. He turned to me with a weak smile.

"Kei, I'm glad you want to push yourself but remember there's a fine line between pushing yourself and straining yourself. Always remember your big bro is always here for you. Together we will be there for Karin. So she'll never have to see another hospital room again. Never, ever strain yourself Kei, we're here for you." He smiled, his eyes sparkling.

"Oh Kyro!" He yelled skipping towards me. I smiled at his tactics.

"Oh Kei!" I yelled skipping to him. When we were close enough we hugged each other in a loving matter. "I love you." I whispered. He nodded. Everyone else stared at us in awe.

"Are they?" Nygus asked not able to finish her question. Liz and Patty quickly shook their head.

"I think that's just brotherly love." Patty said quickly. When she spoke Kei broke away from me. He faced Patty with a smile.

"Hey Patty, come visit me in my room, I need to talk." He said smoothly. Patty blushed stepping back. With that we helped each other back to our room.

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