CHP04: Mission Board

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Her long hair dangled towards her shoulders as she stopped in front of a board. A girl named Maka was assigned as their guide for the first week at the academy. She was uptight and boring, Karin could hardly handle the twins because they would grow so bored. Kei, was snoring away on Kyro's shoulder as Karin pouted giving Maka a nasty glare. "And this is the mission board, every student has to pick a mission that is authorized by the receptionist." She motioned towards the board in front of her.

Maka gave the three a wide simle and Karin punched Kei awake. "Wha?" He asked confused. He wiped his mouth of the drool as Kyro did the same with his shoulder.

"Why don't you three pick a suitable mission?" She said cheerfully. Karin sighed pushing her aside and scanning the board. She dragged her finger down scanning each one carefully.

She stepped back her finger still on the board. "This one!" She shouted proudly. Maka, Kyro and Kei stepped forward examining it.

"Woah, that's a.... tough job for a one star miester." She said skeptical. A rough scream interrupted their quiet conversation. 

"Yeah! Especially since you're not as big of a star as me!" All four of them turned around to see a blue headed boy with muscles. He pointed to himself as a woman stood next to him with a shy smile.

"Who the hell are you and why such a big ego!"Kei yelled running towards him immediately.

"You really don't know who I am?" The boy yelled.

"Yeah, why the hell would we know a loser's name?" Kyro said in a low monotone.

The boy glared at Kyro's dull unamused expression. "I am Black Star! And this is Tsubaki, I'm going to make her a reaper scythe!" He yelled. "who are you losers?" He asked.

"Losers!" Kei yelled ready for a fight. Kyro held him down easily with one arm and looked nonchalantly at Black Star.

"I am Kyro this is Kei, and our miester here, Karin is going to turn both us into reaper scythes." He smirked. All Black Star did in response was glare.

"Let's go get this mission approved." Karin said grabbing the paper. Black Star gazed at them for a second thinking about the predicament. There was no way these freaks would outshine a star like him.

He followed them with ease. Especially since he didn't keep it a secret. Kei slowly went towards Karin's ear. "He still following us?"

Kyro threw his arms back with a sigh. "Ignore him maybe he'll go away."

Karin glared at both of them. "I'm gonna ignore both of you if you don't shut up!" She hollered. The boys were taken back by the sudden change in attitude. Karin gripped the door knob suddenly frightened. What if she was getting in too deep? She froze with her arm on the knob.

Kei looked at her smugly. "Karin, you turn it to the right..." He whispered almost laughing.

Karin looked up slowly. "I know that!" She screeched. With that a woman came through the door.

She clapped her arms joyfully. "Oh, you must be the new students. Come on in, we'll discuss your mission." She cooed excitedly. They all looked at each other following her through the door.

She grabbed their paper sitting down at her desk. She examined it for a couple seconds then smiled. "I'm glad you chose this mission we've been looking for one star miesters to accommodate the group that's already taken up this mission." She said with glee. The three looked at her confused, they were just back up? The door opened with a slam as her portraits bounced from the jolt.

"Wait! I'm a big star! I should be on that mission!" Black Star yelled. The three gave him a dull look.

"Not you again." they all said.

The receptionist gave him a cheeky smile. "Don't worry Black Star you, and Tsubaki can go along too I'm sure Kid wouldn't mind the help."

Karin's smile fell from her face at his name. She quickly ran so that she was in her face. She grabbed her shirt. "Wait, you mean to tell me, Death the Kid was the one who chose this mission in the first place!" She hollered. She gritted her teeth as she stared at the shocked receptionist. Kei and Kyro tried to calm her down by patting her on the back, but nothing was helping.

Kei P.O.V

We were supposed to invade a large forsaken forest named after the DWMA. Shibusen Valley, legend has it that a witch occupies the area. With her own unique sorcery. It was a big job and a big score for any miester who killed and gained the kishin spirit. Karin gulped as she looked deep in the forest. She had the same worry on her face as when she couldn't open the door knob. I felt the ominous air, feeling the hairs on my neck stick up. Kyro held my hand giving me a strong willed smile. I did the same. We were about to run in unison when Black Star cut through our linked arms screaming. "Come on then, we're not getting any younger!"

We gave him glares of hatred as his weapon Tsubaki screamed to him. "Black Star wait!" She screamed following him.

"Kid's already inside, should we beat him to the punch guys?" Karin said back to her cocky self. We smiled to each other walking in unison.

Soul Eater Fan Fic Death The Kid Opposites Do ConnectWhere stories live. Discover now