CHP12: Till Death do we Part

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It was pitch black for a moment. She didn't really know where she was. She took a nice deep breath looking at the bare room. The halls that she had just passed were filled with bright silly pictures whose main purpose was to make them smile. As if a smile could repair their damaged lives. The black haired girl looked over to her right. The woman was showing her around again. It was her second week here but she didn't bother making new friends, she feared losing them one day. Losing them to the monster called death. The woman Coine looked at the youngling with patience. "Now, I know you may be a little scared but how 'bout we make new friends okay, together alright?" She whispered getting onto the girl's level so she could look straight into her blue eyes. She nodded hesitantly as she took the blue eyed girl into the lobby.

She shook the hand of a green haired boy who gave the black haired girl a nasty glare. "Lady Coine do you just take anyone in?" He asked upset. She gave him a smile ruffing up his hair.

"Now, Lector be nice, Karin is new and we don't need that attitude right?" He looked away crossing his arms.

"Yes m'am." He whined. Coine gave him a bright smile as she put Lector's hand on Karin's.

"Now I trust you can show her around?" She asked. He gave a great sigh before responding with the same answer.

"Yes m'am." He smiled facing Coine until she was out of sight. When she turned the corner his eyes turned dull. He faced Karin with a death stare. "You better not act like a freak near my friends okay?" He hissed. She gave him a confused look. "I heard about the kishin." He smirked walking away.

She followed him as he entered the play room and sat with a ginger, a brunette, and a blonde. "Hey guys the new kid here wants to get to know us!" He shouted pulling her down by the hair. They all gave her cold stares just like everyone else.

"She's the kishin girl." Lector said pointing to her. Most everyone gasped at his words. She rubbed her head in pain from the tugging of her long locks. Kishin, what did that word mean? Why did everyone keep saying it.

"Can you believe no one bothered to tell us about those things till she came around." The ginger girl croaked. The boy with brown locks bit his lip as Lector continued to speak.

"So how big was he Karin?" He said more intrigued than before. She backed away at his closeness.

"You mean daddy?" She whispered. Lector bursts out laughing.

"Well yeah, but we mean more of the fact that he was a monster." He chuckled. She rose to her feet discouraged.

"He is not!" She screamed attracting the attention of everyone. She looked around as they gave her the same nasty glares. "Daddy was just scared..." She whispered again.

Lector smirked again. "Kishin! Come on you gotta know what that means. He went off the rails he ate people!" He screamed. She looked away covering her ears. None of it was true, she refused to believe so.

The ginger girl grabbed Lector smacking him on the head. "Shut up Lector, you're not being much of help and they don't eat people they just eat the souls of those they kill... I'm Ann by the way." She smiled. Karin nodded and the three went back to talking. Karin however took aim at looking around the room. She had always seen this room but never been in it. Only one characteristic really stuck to her when they always passed by.

The room had happy paintings like the ones in the halls, a screen in the middle of the room and several rugs. There was a plastic bin labeled toys at the side for everyone to use. A cabinet stood next to the screen where a chair was placed so the older ones could read to those who couldn't. She didn't care about any of that though, the two boys had bothered her.

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