CHP15: Fateful Dream

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Karin P.O.V

Clouds, just gray clouds engulfing the once beautiful sky. How odd, the sun was strong just minutes ago, did it give up so easily? To be covered up and hidden, horrible. I didn't know how I was able to just sit there staring at the blood. The strong smell was turning weak now. I didn't know if it was because I was getting used to it or because I was finally gonna leave this world. I smiled letting my eyes close, this time I wouldn't wake up and I was happy with that.


I didn't really know what I was seeing. I was sitting in front of the DWMA, we had just gotten out of the infirmary from the mission we had failed epicly. I sighed as I began to watch the sun set, I was sure the boys had gone home. They were probably worried about me. I had a blush on my cheeks as I stared at the sun as it began to disappear. I smiled doing nothing at all. "Karin! Karin! Karin!" I calmly looked to my right where Kyro was running towards me. My smile stayed the same. He stopped in front of me looking at me oddly.

"What are you high?" He asked. My smile grew wider. His eyes turned dull as he sat.

"I might as well be, I've never been so at peace, ya know?" I whispered. His eyes were fixated on me as he smiled. His gaze fell to the floor.

The clouds were perfectly aligned with the sun, I smiled bigger knowing Kid would love this scenery. Before I could think more in depth about the boy I was crazy about I felt his hand on my arm.  I looked up to see Kyro with a stern face and a mad blush. I gave him an odd look as his head lay on my shoulder. "Pretty day, almost makes you forget we totally failed in capturing that damn witch." He kind of chuckled. I scruffed up his hair and his blush grew darker.

"Hey, what's the matter with you?" I whispered. He straightened himself up. He began to shake his head. "seriously, we've known eah other for years, you can tell me anything." I urged. He sighed looking up.

"Just that we should get home, okay?" He said sternly. I smiled realizing he was right, the sun was disappearing fast. It wasn't safe being out at night, even if you did have a weapon. I yawned suddenly feeling tired. I layed my head on Kyro's shoulder now. It felt uncomfortable at first since he was so much taller and I had to stretch a bit to lay on him but I quickly grew into his touch. We sat there silently for what seemed like an hour. I could feel myself on the bridge of slumber.

I felt his hand run through my hair. Kyro was being mature again, something he never did, since I promised him I'd be the one to fulfill that role. It almost made me forget how young he was, trauma builds character I thought to myself. I felt safe with Kyro, like a miester should with their weapon but something was odd with him.

"I just wanted to tell you that I love you alright?" He whispered now staring at the last bits of sun as darkness began to take over. I stared at him for a while as he stared at it, that blush it had stayed unmoved, why? "more than you'll ever know." He was turning his head and I quickly closed my eyes acting as if I was in deep slumber. "damn, I wish I could say this shit when you're awake, but I know that all I'll ever be is a brother to you and Kei, it'll hurt but it's okay, I rather be that than nothing, why the hell do you only look so peaceful when you sleep. I know I'm not strong enough yet, but one day I'll make it up to you, and you'll look this beautiful wherever we go." I opened my eyes just a crack and Kyro gave an obnoxious yawn.

"Ah! Well time to get up!" He quickly smacked me on the head, hey wake up I wanna go to bed already geez!" He yelled with a tired yawn. I smiled groggily walking with him. The next day I shrugged the event off as a dream but now as I remembered this dream, I was sure of it. I wasn't dreaming, My eyes were shut as I remembered that supposedly "dream"

***Back to the Present***

I stared at my wrists, how much blood did I need to lose before I finally passed out. I smiled at the irony, how hard was it to kill myself. I could feel tears again. Why did I fight death if it was inevitable. I closed my eyes beginning to sob. "KarinI!" I wiped my tears knowing the voice. Death the Kid, has he come to finish me off? I shook my head, no I'm not giving that bastard the pleasure of killing me. I grabbed the shard of glass ready to make the cut deeper. I closed my eyes knowing I can barely handle my current pain now I was gonna make it worse.

"Karin!" My eyes popped open. It was him, my boys why the hell were they here. The piece of glass fall from my hand. I look down to my shirt tearing my sleeves off. I wrap it around my wrist, tying it so the blood stops. What am I doing? I yell at myself. When Kyro appears an immediate blush overwhelms my cheeks. He forces me to my feet, I almost fall but he hugs me my head buried in his chest.

"Mama!" Kei shouts hugging both Kyro and I. I'm crying harder now into Kyro's arms, but not because I'm scared because I'm safe. I never want him to let go but he does when Kid steps forward.

"Karin, I need to apologize." He says his throat hoarse. I give him an odd look and my cheeks are still red from Kyro's hug. I'm surprised when I see Kid blush and he pulls on his shirt collar. Patty quickly shoves him forward and he bumps into me, I quickly grab his hands so he doesn't fall on top of me and because I fear that he'll touch me. He's blushing harder now. "I'm sorry, for your banishment and I need to tell you something..." He whispers. I trying tugging my hands free but Kid delicately wraps both his hands around my right hand. Patty's trying so hard to hold her laughter, Liz wiggles her eyebrows at me and Kei is holding down Kyro. Their actions confirm my suspicions but I don't want to hear Kid's next words.

"The truth is..." He takes a deep breath and I can't stop staring at our linked fingers, perfect symetry I think to myself. I want to gag. "I may have been in denial but, I've accepted that I'm, I am in love with you." He chokes out. I bite my lip crying silently, my hair hides my face. "I'd enjoy it much better if we aren't enemies, this way we'll be more than just friends." He says back to his smug face. I look up to him showing him my tears. His mouth is open about to speak, but Kyro beats him to it. He jumps and comes hurdling down his arm in weapon form.

"I told you to stay away from her!" He screams. I push Kid away and a nice clean cut is on my arm. I smile remembering what's hidden under my shirt. 

Kyro's crying now regret glimmering in his eyes. He's grabbing my arm and examining it. "I'm so sorry! I didn't-" He looks away sighing. "at least now we really know how you feel about that damn reaper." At his words Kid smirks stepping towards us. I shake my head screaming.

"You're all wrong!" I shout. I face Kid who still has that damn smirk of his. "Kid, the truth is that I did love you." His smirk grows bigger. "but, I don't feel that way anymore, because you've never been there for a low life like me, but my boys have been. And I love them... Especially the one who's slit my arms more than once." I hiss. Kyro rubs the back of his head nervously laughing.

"I've apologized for that!" He screams. I smile in response. 

"I'm in love with my weapon, because he's never doubted my ignorance." I whisper to Kid. He closes his eyes a little frustrated. I back away waiting for the explosion. 

"Very well..." Kid whispers. He motions for Liz and Patty. "I knew you were purely a liar! A sinner of this world!" He starts shooting at me and Kyro springs into action along with Kei. "What more proof do I need!" He hollers. "You are a sinner of this world, and you must be eliminated!" I was amazed at how fast I was going especially considering that I was in writhing pain. I dodged the first few blows landing hard on my tired feet.

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