CHP18: Liars

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The breeze was fierce and the day was cold, but I couldn't feel a thing. Numb to the world around me, numbness overwhelming me as I stand there looking at the cold faces of my family. Wasn't the last time enough... Hadn't I endured enough. Why was it me who always lived, was I the curse who destroyed everything in its path. I want my family back but I know it's too late. My eyes are locked onto Kyro's cold lifeless face. I bite my lip swiping my arm at him. I barely miss his face as my blade cuts into the ground. My tears fall on his face.

"Liar!" I shout swiping my free hand at him. Again I miss and my blade's stuck in the cement next to his face. "You fucking liar!" Kid's looking away with his eyes closed. His arm is on Patty's left arm holding her back from me as Liz holds her right arm. I'm too distraught to be predictable. "You damn... Liars!- Liars..." My tears continue to fall as I close my eyes remembering it, remembering the promise that I was so foolish to believe.


The orange haired freak I called a brother was following the black haired monster we now called friend.  The two were walking together perfectly in sync. I watched from behind since they were squished together. "So, Kei tells dad 'but daddy he was staring right at me!" Kyro said immitating me, he tried repressing his laughter but as he continued to speak it followed him. "And dad says. 'Son, that's a mirror!" He started to burst into laughter as the black haired girl  started giggling. After being content with laughter Kyro put his hands behind his head as we continued to walk. 

I hadn't expected the two to get along so fast. After sharing our secrets the two clicked and honetly I felt alone. "So little Kei thought he had a triplet?" She chuckled. Kyro smiled wider looking back at me. I frowned.

"Hey bro, I know my impression of you isn't the best but it's still pretty funny." He laughed. I rolled my eyes. "Dad had a riot about that day, the ol man always cracked me up." He sighed looking back to the clouds. "I just wish I didn't miss him so much... Hey, how 'bout you Karin tell us a little about your family." I crossed my arms pouting as the black haired monster began to speak.

"Well before mom died, we'd always play soccer. Everyday we'd practice out back, but... I pretty much sucked at it. I'd kick the ball and fall flat on my-"

"Ass." I whispered. Kyro nudged me hard in the side as she continued with just a laugh.

"Ha, well yeah. But that's not the most memorable part. Everytime I'd fall he'd always pick me up. He never gave me time to pick myself up because, he'd be there before I could even process what happened."  Kyro had a goofy smile on his face as I continued to glare at them. What they were doing, was disgusting. 

"Why don't the two of you just screw and get it over with." I said in a monotone. This time Kyro's elbow came crushing down on my skull. I winced as she smiled bigger. 

She put a hand on my head rubbing the bump Kyro had made. "I know it's gonna feel a little awkward with me around, but one day you won't even realize I had even joined, it'll be like I was always here." She whispered. That's when I broke. When her soft hand touched my rough hair.

The feeling was all to memorable. When I looked up at her I saw the caramel brown hair and green eyes of mom. The soft way she spoke, it was too much, the monster was transforming just to trick me. I quickly swiped her arm away running off. 

"Get away from me!"  I shouted my tears becoming more visible.

Her hand fell flat as I watched them from my hiding spot. She watched the hallway where I had just been for a few seconds. "I have to fix this." She sighed adjusting the bag on her shoulder. She took a step but was quickly stopped by my brother. He shook his head.

"I know it's hard to believe, but when Kei's mad he has even less control of transformation. I'm used to the razor blade cuts he gives so I'll go. Just, wait for us to come back alright?" He sighed. Her eyes narrowed a bit. She stayed silent as he walked away. What Kyro didn't notice was that the second he was inches away from my hiding spot Karin had decided to catch up to him.

He crouched down to my level with a bright smile. He rubbed my head like Karin had done. This time though I remembered dad who had the same rough hand. Grandad and dad were exactly the same. "Hey what's wrong." He whispered. I looked up with tears in my eyes. 

"If I look in the right angle all I can see, is your ab-less chest." After the words left me my face buried into my arms again. I could sense his desire to kick me.

"Why you little-" His words were cut off by a new  presence. 

"Kei, what's wrong did I make you upset?" My  head came up at the blue eyed monster. Her soft words drove me off the edge. My wrist up transformed into a sharp dagger tip. I closed my eyes swiping it at her face. 

My eyes popped open at a sharp clink noise. Kyro's sharper blade pushed against mine. He was frowning and staring at me intensely. His clenched teeth made me even more upset. The tears rolled down my eyes. "See this is what's so wrong! You probably think I'm the monster." I shouted. He quickly stepped back making his arm back to normal. 

"What are you talking about?" He whispered into my ear. I wiped my eyes trying to stop my tears.

"N-nothing just go away and get married or something. Leave me like everyone else does." I whined covering my face. Kyro punched me softly in the shoulder.

I looked up at Kyro's bright smile. "Wh-what are you talking about?" He kind of chuckled. "We're not getting married, like... Ever." He said bursting into laughter. Karin punched him on the head.

"Didn't know marrying me was so bad!" She holered I laughed harder at Kyro who looked down rubbing his sore head.  

He kind of laughed as he stopped rubbing his head. "Kei, look I love you man... You're the only one I have left, and I'm never leaving you." He said with that damn smile of his. I wiped my nose smiling at him. Karin put her arm on both our shoulders.

"What are you talking about only one? Don't forget that you two are stuck with me, besides Kei, I'm never leaving you either, the three of us have strength that no one will be able to break." She helped me up along with Kyro. 

"Swear." I whispered. They both hugged me in their embrace, almost like I had never lost my family. Mom and dad even gramps, it's like they were all here. 

"Cross our hearts and hope to die."

**End of Flashback***

"Liar..." I whispered.

I hear Patty grunt and in seconds her mouth is near my ear. "Kei." I'm still crying and I do all I can not to snap at her. I try my best not to anger myself.  My tears begin to stop as I feel Patty's soft skin on my rough hair. "Kei..." I face her letting my hair cover my eyes. I can feel her blue eyes on mine and after a few seconds of silence I smile at her. It was just a gift she had, a trance she could put me in. 

"S-sorry... I'ts just..." I cover my mouth repressing tears. "I kinda just expected him to get up and scream... 'Just kidding!' or something lame... I never thought..."Again I covered my mouth letting a tear roll down my cheek. 

"Come on Kaneki."  My hand falls from my mouth and I show her my smile. She smiles back giving me her hand.

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