CHP16:The time has Come

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Once I fell to the floor after dodging a bit Kyro began to speak smugly. "So this is how the reaper handles rejection huh?" Kyro said smiling. Did he really think this was the time to be bragging. I suprressed a blush and instead rolled my eyes getting out of the way of another soul wave shot. Becoming tired I then used Kei to try and smack the guns out of his hands. What I did instead made Kei hate me.

Kei smacked into Patty making her cry out in pain. He turned back into human form growling at me. "Be more careful!" He shouted. 

"Kei, weapon form!" I shouted. He crossed his arms looking away and pouting. 

"Take care of it yourself." He whispered. I was too focused on Kei that I hadn't realized how close Kid was. He smacked Kyro out of my hand and kicked me in the gut. I staggered back falling to the ground.

Kyro quickly transformed tackling Kei. "Damn, it I know this isn't what you signed up for but when your miester says weapon form you do it damn it!" He screamed pinning him down. "I promise, it's just survival for now, Patty won't get hurt, and by the end of this I swear you will have your happily ever after alright?" He said tears running down and onto Kei's face. He slowly nodded. Kyro gulped hard helping him up.

"I could use your help!" I shouted as Kid continuously tried kicking me again so that I'd fall and he could land the finishing blow.

"Well this is tiring, I've had my fun, Liz, Patty." They nodded in their pistol forms. 

"Soul resonance." He calmly stood silently, I eased a bit catching my breath. I wanted to enjoy the cloudy day just a bit before the seething sun would come back again. I sighed closing my eyes. It was short lived as Liz began to speak.

"Execution mode, Kid?" Liz asked. Kid smiled looking down at her shaking his head.

"That's the first stage but we're using our strongest soul resonance it's time to end this." I stared at them confused. I never really saw their soul resonance now that I thought about it. Kid had a wicked smile on his face. I quickly faced Kei and Kyro.

"Guys!" I said in my shaking voice. They didn't need to hear anymore they quickly transformed landing in my hands. My fear was out there and Kid knew it. 

"Death Eagle. 42." He slowly whispered. I stared at them slowly backing away as Kid kept stepping forward with that creepy smile. Liz and Patty slowly transformed from pistols to large real life Israeli made Desert Eagle guns. I gripped the twins harder as Kid closed his eyes the top white line on his hair connected around.

"All clear! Noise level 35!" Patty shouted. The seriousness almost made me jump. I felt the twins switch back to human form. I looked back to Kei who was biting his lip. When I looked back to Kid five cannon-like coffins appeared floating behind him in a symmetrical formation. He closed his eyes again the second line in his hair attached around making his hair look like a halo. 

"get behind me, understood, do not move no matter what happens." I hissed grabbing the two and forcing them behind me. Kid kind of chuckled at my behavior his eyes were still closed though. The air around us began to rotate rapidly forming a tornado around us.

"Charging sequence, complete." Liz said.

Kyro P.O.V

What the hell was Karin doing? Shielding us? I grabbed Kei telling him to look for cover. I stared at Karin as she stared at Kid in awe. She was frozen, talking would do no good still I had to try. "Get away from those damn coffins!" I screamed. Still she hadn't moved. This was annoying I felt the vein in my forehead throb. Karin seriously decides to tell me, she l- loves me when we're about to die? Lame, I think to myself. I blush realizing this is the first time I've accepted that. There's no time to gloat as the rays come shooting out of the coffins towards Karin. 

"Now, Parent's seven rays... is complete." Kid whispered to himself as the beams come darting fast. My heart is beating a thousand times a minute, tears streaming down my cheek. There's no time, I shove her out of the way, and like snapping my fingers Karin snaps out of it. I hear the bloodcurdling scream escape my lips but quickly doubt it came from me.

Karin P.O.V

The lights dim drastically as the beams impale Kyro's chest, I can't move anymore but I fall to the ground grabbing him. I look to Kid who looks at us expressionless. "What a waste of symmetry." I hear him mutter as he looks away. Kei tries to force me to look away but I punch him square in the face clutching his body. I hear a slight grunt which makes me break into tears. 

"Kyro." I whisper. I see him smile, blood trailing down his mouth. I hug him my forehead pressed against his so I can hear his fading words.

"You really meant it huh? I beat the reaper, damn... I just wish..." His smile grows wider as I look into his green eyes. "that I could've kissed you just once." I smile bringing him closer.

"there's still time." I whisper my lips quivering from so many tears I had shed. He tries leaning forward but shakes his head then turning limp. I wave my hand in front of his open eyes but he doesn't react, I feel his wrist, but feel no pulse, I press my ear against his chest, no heart beat. I press my lips against his and close his his eyes. I'm crying but I don't want to be, I want closure, but I don't need it, I need vengeance. I stand on my two feet a little dizzy. That's one more reason, to fight, one more person who I couldn't save.

"Kei, it's time to end this!"

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