CHP11: I refuse to grant anyone the freedom to kill

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He had been killing innocent of the city. The kishin was unknown to the world most who encountered him never made it out to live. The chance never escaped him to take a life especially of the innocent. He had become known as Bacia, his real name, Aeron. He had ruined more than families by murdering those of Death City. Now he had to be eliminated to make it safe once again.

The black haired reaper looked around cautiously. He was separated from his weapons but that gave no one the right to underestimate him. The moon lit the dark night as he listened for any amount of sound. The shadows of a man ran passed him. He quickly faced the wall. He was cornered in every direction but one. He stood still using all his senses. The earth spoke to him. He'd kill this kishin, it was fate.

It happened in a flash. The hooded figure collided shoulders with Kid. After that he was in the zone. He jumped up and the two jumped down from the building landing flawlessly into Kid's hands. He began shooting his twin pistols at the figure. After five shots to the torso the man in black fell aside, his hood and mask on the floor. Kid almost dropped his weapons. He frowned almost growling at him.

His blue eyes seemed perfect as the black hair in a ponytail fell silently in unison. "Why are you symmetrical!" He screeched. He smirked letting his slick black hair fall. His eyes hidden in the thick mess. He grabbed his sheathed sword trying to get up.

"Kid! Come on! He's a kishin remember!" Liz screamed. Kid nodded almost frozen in place. He tried to lift the pistols in his hand but couldn't find the strength. He shook his head frantically.

"I will eliminate you!" The kishin charged at him the red sheathed sword falling slickly into his hand. Liz quickly took charge transforming and taking Patty. 

"How shall judgment be passed upon her, but you pathetic beings get to live!" The kishin screamed dodging the soul waves Liz shot. He unsheathed his sword showing the golden rim on it. Liz was quickly growing tired especially with his speed. Kid bit his lip the kishin's words bouncing in his head.

"I will not allow you to leave alive!" The kishin dove in his sword inches away from impailing Liz. He smiled at the thought of her blood. Liz froze into place as Patty began to scream to get her attention.

He grabbed both his arms kicking him sending him flying. "I refuse to grant anyone the freedom to kill!" Kid shouted. The kishin rose to his feet immediately wiping the blood from his mouth. Kid's eye twitched at the thought.

"Like you can know the pain of death. Knowing that something precious to you can be so easily torn away. To know that your attempts to eliminate the problem before hand failed. How could you have any idea!" His words made Kid angrier.

"You disgust me!" He hollered. Liz transformed as Kid motioned for them. The kishin took each hit with ease it made no sense. "Die!" Kid screamed now blasting him without a pause. The kishin blocked the blows with his cape.

"Kid, I think we have to get rid of that cape, it seems to be resistant to soul waves he's just taunting us, with that cape around we won't get anything done." Kid nodded charging at the kishin.

"It's not symmetrical anyway!" He screamed looking to the blood to the kishin who now had a scratch on his left cheek and not on his right. He began  shooting at the kishin furiously. The kishin smiled flipping into the air. It didn't faze Kid as he got onto his skateboard following him with ease. No matter how fast the kishin went Kid caught up to him, he was determined to kill the beast. 

"Give it up already." The kishin snickered his black hair bouncing onto his shoulders as he laughed. "Not even death can stop me from my true goals!" Kid narrowed his eyes speeding up.

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