Ch.15 ×The Money×

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"Indy!" Kylah called throughout the house.

She found her sister in her bed and proceeded to jump on it, shaking her.

India pushed her off and glared at her sister. "What, Kylah?"

"I got his pin number. We now have access to Michael Jackson's bank account." Ky squealed.

India looked at her wide-eyed and gasped. "No way." Kylah rapidly nodded her head and jumped back on the bed. "How?"

"We went to the ice cream parlor and he paid with his card, since he only had higher bills on his him. Then I discreetly watched him put it in and memorized it. All we have to do is get the card, run to the ATM, get the money, and leave California." India shook her head in disagreement.
"No? What heck do you mean no?"

"I mean no. I love Michael and I wouldn't and can't do that to him." She protested, looking at her sister. "You're being a money whore."

"I'm not! I'm trying to help you pay off student loans, I'm trying to buy us a house, I'm trying to purchase mommy and daddy a home, so that way they don't have to live in the hood, scared for their lives everyday. I'm doing all the right things with it." Kylah hissed, standing up.

"Yeah, you forgot, except stealing it!" India hissed back, getting up as well.

Kylah stomped her foot in anger, like a child throwing a tantrum, and stormed out.

India slammed her door shut and went to sit on her bed.


Michael was sitting in the living room, reading a book when he heard Lisa scream.

He quickly rushed to her and found her in their bathroom, crying.

"Lis, what's wrong?" He asked, walking up to her.

She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed in passionately, before speaking. "Michael, we're having a baby." He looked at her in disbelief and she showed him all three pregnancy test. "You're going to be a daddy!"

Michael teared up unintentionally and kissed her again.

When finished, he smiled really big.

"I'm going to be a daddy. We're going to be parents, wifey!" He picked her up and spun her. "We definitely need to go out and celebrate."

"I'll get ready, daddy."

They kissed one more time before going their separate ways.


"Wow, this is gorgeous, Michael." Lisa said, with her arms wrapped around Michael's bicep.

"It's an expensive restaurant." He told her and followed the waitress.

While walking by, he happened to notice Kylah sitting alone.

She had her hair curly and wore a beautiful, off shoulder, short dress with a pair of Louboutin's.

Lisa followed Michael's eyes and cleared her throat.

He pulled out Lisa's chair and sat across from her.

"Michael, am I going to have to make a scene with that stripper?" She asked, softly.

He knew that tone meant 'try her.'

"No, wifey. I'm not worried about her." He told her. "Tonight is about us celebrating our bundle of joy."

Soon Michael's brother, Jermaine and his wife, Alejandra joined them.

"Michael, you're like buzzing with excitement." Jermaine pointed out, his gaze following over to Kylah.

He gasped quietly and looked back at Michael.

"I received amazing news today." Michael responded, putting his arm around Lisa.

"We're pregnant." Lisa said, smiling softly.

Alejandra squealed and rushed over to hug Lisa. "Congratulations!"

She was able to be loud because it was late and very little people were there.

"Thank you." Lisa said.

Michael and Jermaine got up to hug and Jermaine whispered in Michael's ear. "That's Kylah on the side of us."

"I know." Michael said and sat back down.

They both quickly glanced over at Kylah and she winked at them.

"See now you're finally joining the daddy train." Jermaine joked.

"I was on the dirty one, for a while." He smirked.

Lisa gasped and hit him in his chest playfully. "You're so nasty."

They all laughed.


"Your bill." The waiter said.

Michael gave him his card and he walked away.

"You didn't even look at the price." Jermaine pointed out.

Michael shrugged. "It's okay. I can handle it."

He glanced over at Lisa and she had her hand on her stomach. Michael placed his hand on her and she leaned up to kiss him.

"Mr. Jackson?" The waiter called and Michael looked at him. "Your card has been declined."

"That's not possible." Lisa said, frowning along with Michael.

"It is. Is there another way you'll like to pay?" The waiter asked.

Jermaine have him his card and looked at Michael. "You're broke?"

"Hell no. I have money for days. Why is my card declined?" Michael said, getting up. "I'll be back."


Kylah heard and watched the scene unfold. She smiled to herself and got up when Michael returned to his seat.

"They said my account was withdrawn earlier today and emptied. I told them that that wasn't possible and they claimed that it was and I did it." She heard Michael say.

She sipped her wine and continued listening.

"So what are we going to do?" Lisa asked.

"They're tracking the phone that did it because it was done by phone." Michael said, resulting in Kylah to gasp.

How could I be so stupid? Years of doing this, I messed up bad. He's Michael Jackson and of course they'll search every nook and cranny. Kylah thought.

She finished her drink and got up.

She walked by them on purpose and smiled at Jermaine, then winked at Michael, before leaving.

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