We Didn't See It.. [Be More Chill]

64 2 7

Fandom: Be More Chill

AU: Jeremy & Rich die

Ship: Pins n Patches

Type: Angst


() With Michael ()

Michael awoke another gloomy morning. Ever since the..incident...he's been more depressed. He sat in his bed for ten minutes until he heard his mother call him downstairs for breakfast. "Coming ma!" He called back.

He swung his legs out of bed and walked to his closet. He opened it and put on a bland gray t-shirt and Jeremy's blue jacket. He's worn it everyday since that day.

The teen trudged down the stairs and down to the first floor. "How are you Micha?" His mother asked.

Michael said nothing and just shrugged. He poked his food, not hungry for the 5th morning in a row. "I'm not hungry ma." He said in a monotone voice.

Michael stood and headed for his basement, he wanted to get stoned again. "Micha wait-" the door was shut before his mom could say anything.

/\ With Jake /\

Jake woke up to an empty house. He hasn't been doing or attending his extracurricular activities anymore. Not since the play.

Jake sat up in his bed and went mindless thru his photos until he reached 6th grade.

In the picture was Chloe, Brooke, and Rich. They all use to be friends back then. He dated Chloe then broke up and dated Rich. Him, Chloe, and Brooke stopped hanging after that.

Jake felt the tears well up. He quickly wiped them away, remember his dad's words in 5th.

"Big boys don't cry. Are you a little boy or big boy?"

"I am a big boy. I'm an adult." He whispered to himself as the tears fell.

() With Michael ()

The pack was empty. "..'course.." Michael mumbled, throwing the pack in the garbage.

He sat in Jeremy's ole beanbag, sinking in. He stared at the screen that was frozen on level 9, right before Jeremy was about to make it when he had to go and "be cool."

Michael's phone started to buzz, he took it out of his pocket and saw, "JakeyD" in bold.

He picked up, hearing slight sniffling. "M-Micha. It's happening again." He heard Jake whimper on the other side.

"On my way Jakey."

After the incident, Jake and Michael grew closer, they used Jeremy and Rich's nicknames for them on each other. Made them feel more relaxed. "I'm heading out ma!"

"Just be home before dark!" She called back.

"K!" Michael steps out the door, keys to his P.T Cruiser in hand.

/\ With Jake /\

The brunet was curled up in a ball. He looked at his phone, pictures of him and Rich were everywhere. 7th. 8th. Freshman year. Sophomore year- Wait.

Jake zoomed into the picture, into Rich's neck. He could barley see green circuits on his skin. Jake quickly went to a picture with Jeremy in it.

Rich was also in this one. His eyes were a bright green while Jeremy had bright blue. Oh god.

These were all here before..and Jake didn't notice.

() With Michael ()

The Filipino drove into Jake's driveway. He parked and rushed to the door, unlocking it with his spare keys.

Michael ran upstairs to Jake's room. He saw Jake curled up in a depressed ball. "It's okay Jakey. I'm here." Michael ran over and hugged the taller male.

"N-No it's not Michael.." he pointed to the phone, it was zoomed in on Rich's and Jeremy's eyes. Blue and green.

Michael's eyes widened. He kept his composer tho and continued to comfort Jake. "You want some Mountain Dew Red?" Michael asked.

Jake uncurled a little and looked at Michael. He nodded and Michael ran out the room, retrieving the Mt Dew.

~~ After Jake's Panic Attack ~~

Michael kissed his forehead. Always calmed him down knowing that someone he knew and loved was there.

"Thanks Michael. Ya know." Jake turned to Michael, a warm smile and dry tears were placed on his cheeks. "Your the best boyfriend anyone could ask for." Jake hugged him tightly.

"I know you need the comfort. After what happened, with their deaths and all, you need someone who's been through panic attacks to guide you through." Michael hugged back.

Jake pulled back. "Can I sleep over at your place tonight?"

Michael giggled. "Sure. Just don't go in the basement. Smells like weed down there."

The two chuckled and continued the day to be sad yet comforting with each other there.


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