Who Tells Your Story? [Wander Over Yonder]

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Fandom: Wonder Over Yonder

AU: Hamilton(?)

Ship: None unless ya'll ship Wander and Hater then you do you

Type: Angst


!Hater's POV!

A bright light.

Then darkness.

Then everyone else formed around me.

Silvia, Peepers, Watchdogs, everyone.

Everyone except Wander.

"Let me tell you what I wish I'd known. When I was young and dreamed of glory, you have no control." Peepers approached.

"Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?" The Watchdogs made a half circle around us.

Silvia approached, "Commander Peepers."

"I'll give him this: his plan to rid of Wander was genius, him out of the way is gateway to control." A past Peepers showed then vanished.

"Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?" The Watchdogs say again.

"Lord Dominator." Silvia looked at a past Dominator in an bubble.

"He went from bad to good in a matter of seconds. Maybe I should've done the same." She looked regretful.

"Who lives, who dies, who tells your story?" The Watchdogs say again.

"Every other villain story gets told, every other hero gets to grow old." Silvia marched forward to me.

"But when you're gone, who remembers your name? Who keeps your flame?" Peepers stood next to her.

"Who tells your story?" The Watchdogs and Peepers asked, "Who tells your story?" Silvia joined, so did Dominator, who was also there, "Who tells your story? Your story.."

Everyone cleared a path, showing a small Star Nomad, "Wander." Dominator and Silvia say.

"I put myself back in the narrative." Wander narrated to himself, he was writing something, Dominator and Silvia repeat his name, "I stopped wasting time on tears, I roam the galaxies once again. It's not enough."

"Wander.." I get up and approach him. The room around me transformed, he was in a candle-lit room, writing with a big feather.

"I interview every soldier who conquered by your side." A checklist was to the side, all of the Watchdogs names were listed, and all were crossed out.

"He tells our story." The Watchdogs and Peeper smile.

"I try to make sense out of every story I've heard, you really avoid the truth like you're running out of time." Everyone said time with him, probably foreshadowing something I didn't get.

"I rely on Silvia." Silvia appears by Wander's side. "While she's alive-"

"We tell your story." Silvia says with him.

"She's buried in Marshfalaffle Apple Meadow near you." Wander looks out the window, he was in Marshfalaffle, but it was strangely raining.

"When I needed her most she was right on time." Everyone said time with him again. "And I'm still not through. I ask myself, 'What would you do if you had more time?'"

"The lord, in his kindness, he gives me what you always wanted, he gives me more time." Everyone continues to say time with him again.

"I keep the ship in tact only for you." Wander looks at the skull ship, that was right next to the small cottage.

"He tells my story." Peepers and Silvia say, smiling softly.

"I speak out against evil!" Wander stands up excitedly before calming down and sitting again. "You could've done so much more if you only had time." Everyone says time...again. "And when my time has come, have I done enough? Will they tell our story?"

That thought was terrifying to everyone.

Wander dying.

No one really thinks it's possible for him to age to death, so only something else could kill him, disease, orbil accident, powerful villain. Anything could kill him.

"Will they tell your story?" The thought haunted Hater. How long will they all be known until Wander dies? How many people will actually pass down their stories?

"Oh. Can I show you what I'm proudest of?" Wander spoke, as if he knew they were there, a hologram shows up.

"The orphanage." Everyone says, all of them knew Hater grew up without parents or guardians.

"I established the first orphanage in this galaxy." Wander smiles, everyone continued to say the orphanage, "I help to raise hundreds of children. I get to see them growing up." His smile widens but soon falls into a sad smile, "In their eyes I see you, Lord Hater."

That was rare, Wander calling Hater, Lord Hater. Of course Hater would've loved to be called that before but things were different now.

"I see you every time." Wander's sad expression shifts to a scared one, "And when my time has come, have I done enough? Will they tell my story?"

Everything sped up around them, were they only watching a memory? Who's was it?

The scene changes to the present, Wander was severely damaged, "I can't wait to see you again. It's only a matter of..." His eyes were slowly closing, "Time.." He muttered his last word.

Everyone remained parted, Hater turned to witness a small, fluffy Star Nomad take form into the afterlife.

The thought still haunted them all though.

"Who tells your story?"



You thought this was gonna end happily?

Heck no.

And if anyone can, please make an animatic or something of this and post it somewhere so I can see it and send it to my friend who also liked this idea, but I can't animate for crap so take an angsty oneshot.

Also the roles are, George and Burr are shared between Peepers and Sil.

Alex is Hater, Eliza is Wander because they both can live for a really long time, and everyone was the company.

Sil was also Angelica and she didn't know much about Hater but while she was alive, she helped spread his sotry.

Sorry if this causes confusion but if you want an explanation, I will happily fill you in.

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