Soulmates [Dear Evan Hansen]

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Fandom: Dear Evan Hansen

AU: Soulmate (Initials on wrist)

Ship: Sincerely Three

Type: Fluff



I took a deep breath, it was senior year and I still haven't found JK or CM. It's rare for someone to be born with more than one soulmate.

It has been said that if you haven't found your soulmate then you get really do anything in life.

I saw Jared down the hall and tried to avoid eye contact.

Every time I'm near him my heart pounds and my hand starts to freeze.


I took a deep breath when I saw Evan, god I hope I'm right.

I started approaching him and my heart pounded, my wrist burned, and my hand froze.

"Evan!" He jumped and spun around to me.

"Y-Ya Jared?" That adorable stutter will some day kill me.

I took a breath, "I know this might be crazy but...I think we're soulmates.."

Evan froze entirely. Only one way to test this.

I took his hand and everything felt right, the wrist stopped burning, my hand warmed up, and my heart kept screaming orders at me.


I walked down the hall and turned the corner.

I saw Kleinman and Hansen holding hands.

My instincts took control and I walked to them, both looked at me, they didn't run away or look scared.

I finally was in the small group and they looked up at me, no fear, no anger, no weird look. Nothing.

My wrist burned, my hands felt cold, and my heart was pounding.

Zoe told me that's what you feel when you're near your soulmate, or soulmates.

I cautiously held a hand out, Evan took it, I held the other to Jared and he took it.

Everything felt right, like we were.....soul.....mates...

Wow I'm an idiot.


Jared AND Connor are my soulmates?! Oh god how will mom react?! How will anyone react?!

They both suddenly hugged me....kinda. Connor hugged both of us while Jared hugged me.

"It's okay Ev." Jared ran his hand thru my hair and I melted, it felt nice.

"If your mom doesn't approve, then you can stay with me! My folks are ally's and my sisters lesbian." Connor said.

"Well then..can I stay? My people don't approve and if I tell them, well, I'm forced to break up with you guys." Jared looked at Connor and he nodded.

The three of us stayed there for forever, but the bell rang and so many students were giving us weird looks.

I started to panic, but they were there.

No matter what happens, they'll be there.

~~Time Skip~~

That night I went home, I FaceTimed my mom to tell her.

"Hey mom." I said nervously, waving to her.

"Evan! How's my little Evan doing?"

"I-I uh.." I sweated nervously, she noticed and tried to calm me down. I calmed down soon enough and just said it, "M-Mom I found my soulmates."

She smiled widely and squealed, "Who are they honey?!"

I took another breath, "J-Jared and C-Connor.."

She only squealed more, "I'm so proud of you honey!"

"M-Mom is it fine if I stay the night at Connor's?" She nodded and I thanked her.

We talked a bit more before she had to go, we hung up and I packed my things for a sleep over.

I went over and told them how it went.

"If only my folks would be that supportive." Jared sighed while he was in Connor's lap.

~~Massive Time Skip~~


It's been years since high school. Connor, Evan, and I have been together for years.

Of course it was sometimes hard for us but we got thru it.

Evan is close to being like his mom, he has a job and college!

I just work and a Bed, Bath & Beyond store with my CRONCH!

Connor, surprisingly, is good with kids and people. He works at a private orphanage and does tours at orchards.

We all see each other at 8 PM and spend our time together.

Life's smooth for us, Zoe was with Alana and occasionally came over if they had time.

This life is good, with Connor and Evan.

With Connor and Evan, it's perfect.

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