I Don't Deserve Love [Be More Chill]

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Fandom: Be More Chill/ Be Less Single

AU: Be Less Single dating game

Ship: Squip Squad

Type: Angst

TW: Self harm, depression, self-hate, starving and lack of anything.


*Jeremy's POV*


1 month..

2 months..

2 and a 1/2 months have gone by, I haven't been to school, I haven't eaten a lot, I rarely drink anything, I hurt myself, my Squip is gone, everything is just hell.

My phone always dies on me and gets endless messages from my 'friends.'

Michael and Christine seemed to worry most of all. Michael's a night owl so he's able to stay up all night and text me.

I haven't been sleeping a lot and when I do, I always get nightmares about them all saying bye or rejecting me.

Michael was the last one and he said that he needed space, but I think he meant that he doesn't want to be friends.

I was in the middle of one of my cutting sessions while crying hysterically when a knock at my door was heard, probably my dad again so I didn't answer.

I stopped crying and hid the razor, I wrapped my arm in the bandages I kept in my room.

Another knock was heard, "Jeremy. Your friends are here to see you."


"Wh-What friends d-dad?" I laid down on my bed.

He unlocks the door and shows Michael and Christine.

I quickly duck under my blankets and hide.

Two people sit on my bed, I assume it was Michael and Christine because my dad's voice was heard from my door. "I'll leave you three to talk."

I hear the door close.

It's silent in the room, I'm curled up on a ball under my blankets with two people I considered friends and crushes.

I feel both of them put a hand on my back, Michael pulls the blankets off of me gently.

Both look down at me with concerned eyes.

"Jeremy. How are you doing?" Christine asks, her voice was so soft but so filled with worry.

I shake my head, "I-I'm fine.."

"Bull. Shit." Michael says, part of him looks worried and part of him looks mad.

Michael started talking but it was blocked out as my vision blurred, I heard yelling from both of them as I was crying.

God I must look so pathetic right now.

Christine covers Michael's mouth and pulls me into a hug.

I don't hug back, I just sob in her arms.

"-at what you've done Michael!" Christine voice clears through, I start tuning in again and wipe the tears away.

"How is this my fault!?" Michael yells.

"You started yelling at Jeremy just because he wouldn't come to school!" Christine hugs me overprotectively.

"H-He has the r-right to be m-mad.." I mumble.

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