Dating Shawn Mendes headcannons

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• Shawn would be the cutest fucking boyfriend ever like do nOT even try to fight me on it

• He would always hold doors open for you and after would say something adorable like

• "Chivalry isn't dead, baby"

• Shawn basically INVENTED forehead kisses

• like if you were taking a nap or fell asleep before him, he would kiss you on the forehead

• PDA isn't a big thing for you two

• but Shawn would always have some kind of physical contact with you

• whether it be him touching your thigh

• holding hands

• or him hugging you from behind

• he always had to be touching you

• Shawn would love to tweet about silly and small things about you

• if you made a mistake or you fell over

• you can count that millions of people would be hearing about it

• Shawn would spoil you silly on Christmas and your birthday

• but he wouldn't forget to buy you something in every city he visits

• much to your protests

• Shawn would always worry about you

• when you were sick it would only multiply

• he just needs to know that you're okay

• Shawn would hit on you as if you weren't dating

• like if you were at the grocery store for example

• Shawn would come up behind you and say something like

• "Do you come here often"

• you'd play along and be all like "sorry I have a boyfriend"

• Shawn would continue to ask about this boyfriend

• "Yeah, he's a rockstar"

• "Wow, sounds manly"

• "He is."

• Shawn would love to cook for you

• and you would love every meal he produced more and more each time

• Shawn was always making sure you were happy

• he hated to see you upset

• it was like his breaking point

• if you were fighting he would immediately stop if you began to cry

• he would just hold you like there was no tomorrow

• if you were sitting in his dressing room

• he would begin to strum random chords and sing a stupid song about you

• he would rhyme irrelevant words with your name

• making you laugh out loud

• and that was his aim

• to see you smiling and laughing

• because he loved you more than life


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