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The bright sun streaming through the thin curtains was enough to pull Shawn out of his deep sleep

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The bright sun streaming through the thin curtains was enough to pull Shawn out of his deep sleep. His eyelids fluttered slowly opening fluffy to glare at the streaming rays of sun. He let out a soft groan feeling how sore his entire body was feeling. Running his tattooed hand over his face he let out a yawn taking in his surroundings.

Being in the sleepy state that he was he was a little confused at first taking in the unfamiliar atmosphere. He suddenly became very much aware of the fact that he was buck naked feeling the soft sheets underneath his body. He felt the bed underneath him shift when the person beside him moved, he turned his neck to the other side of him coming face to face with your sleeping figure.

His mind finally registered the fact that he was back home from tour and was in his own bed, beside his girlfriend. A tired but content smile formed on his face taking in your sleeping figure.

The sun he was complaining about just moments ago was now something he appreciated as he watched the way the bright rays made your skin seem like it was glowing.

His gaze moved over your face seeing that your lips were in a thin line your shoulder rising and falling with even breaths. The thin sheets he had wrapped around the both you last night before falling as sleep was now resting on your torso showing off the smooth skin of your stomach. Your hair was a tangled mess, half of it on top of the pillow that was underneath your head and half of it was partly covering your naked chest still giving Shawn a clear view of your flushed breasts. A dark purple mark on the side of your breast caught his attention and he felt his own cheeks flush at the memory of last night when he had your body pressed up against his. How his lips were moving over the top of your breasts leaving hickies where ever his lips could touch.

He watched you tuck in your arms closer to your torso turning to your side clearly trying to keep yourself warm in your sleep.

A groggy chuckle falls past his lips as he shuffles closer to you and grabs the edge of the sheet that was on your waist and pulls it over your exposed skin. His chapped lips leave a soft peck on your shoulder as he gets up to take a quick shower.

He grabs a towel hanging it on the hook beside the shower as he jumps in the shower turning on the water. Not realizing that it was the cold water he turned on he lets out a surprised yelp backing up into the corner of the shower and away from the piercing cold water.

After he sets the water to his desired temperature he realizes that he is looking down on the shower head. It was much shorter than he had left it when he went on tour.

"And I told her not to move it" he mumbles to himself shaking his head knowing that you must have adjusted the height of the shower head.

A soft melodious humming filled the shower as he washed his hair running his fingers over his tangled curls. He opts out to use your shampoo instead of his. He liked the way yours smelled better than his, and it made his hair softer. Or so he claimed, but you knew that he liked using it because the smell reminded him of you.

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