Late Late Show

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"I need two iced coffees, both half and half with two scoops of sugar" I asked as the barista nodded politely and I paid for my order.

I was currently getting coffee for my boss, James Corden and I, at five in the evening since we would both be up pretty late as normal for his Late Late Show. There was coffee at the building but we both preferred this little coffee shop across the street and I knew that since Shawn Mendes was coming, I would need to be awake to capture every single moment I can. As you can see, I am a huge fan of his.

"Here you go" The barista says, handing me the cups. I quickly turn around and head to my car, practically speeding back to work anxious as ever. James said Shawn would be there about six hours before the actual air time so since it was five, he should already be there which the thought of that just had my heart beating faster and faster.

I got out of my car, grabbed my bag and coffees, and hurriedly entered through the back. "Ok has anyone seen James?" I asked the workers standing in the hall having small conversations but they all shook their heads. I walked over to his office but no one was there so I went to the main stage to see if he was rehearsing but no luck. "Reggie have you seen James?!" I yell across the room and he shakes his head. "Check Mariska Hargitay's room, I think they are going over the introduction scene" He replies and I nodded. "Thank you" I say, walking out and making my way over. I went to the hallway with all the guests room and noticed that they hadn't put the name tags up yet. "Ok I'm just gonna start from the first door and make my way I guess" I mumble to myself.

I knocked a few times and waited for the door to open. When it did, I was greeted by Holly Hunter. "Is everything alright?" She asked and I smiled politely. "My apologies, I was looking for Mariska's room but they haven't put up name tags yet" I explained and Holly nodded. "It's fine" She responds and I say a quick goodbye.

"Ok please be Mariska's room" I whisper to myself once again. I knock a few times and wait for the door to open. "ONE SECOND" Someone yells but I could tell who it was from a mile away, I had heard that voice numerous times through my phone screen. "SHIT" I whisper yell to myself. It's Shawn oh my god. Instantly I felt my cheeks heat up and regretted to wear the outfit I did. My frantic thoughts were immediately interuptted when the door flung open to reveal the tall handsome boy.

"Hi, what can I do for you?" Shawn asked and I could barely comprehend my words.
"S-sorry I was looking for James and was told he was in Mariska's room but this obviously isn't hers, my bad" I quickly said, looking at the room right next to his.

"No worries" Shawn says, laughing a little.
"Ok well good luck tonight, bye I guess" I said, cheeks probably bright red.

"Actually, I need to ask James an important question so do you mind if I come with you?" He asks and I shake my head, turning my back to him and making my way to Mariska's room as he follows.

I knock on the last door that should be used and as soon as I do, James opens up. "What's up?" James asks, smiling but his face is full of confusion when he sees that Shawn is behind me.

"Well I just wanted to tell you that your iced coffee is in your office and Shawn said he needs to talk to you" I explained, Shawns name sounding weird coming out of my mouth. I guess James could tell that I was starstruck due to my flushed cheeks and wide eyes so he lightly laughed and put a hand on my shoulder.

"What's up man?" James asked Shawn.
"I was just gonna go get some food real quick if that's alright?"

I instantly started to laugh causing them both to look at me. "What kind of serious question is that?" I asked, turning to face him and he smiles.

"Food is very serious to me" He said and I shrugged my shoulders. "Fair enough"

"That's fine but where are you going to eat?" James asked and Shawn thinks for a moment. "Probably In-n-Out, do you want anything?" Shawn questions and James smirks and looks at me. "I do and (Y/n) have you eaten?" James asked me and I shook my head.

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