Laser tag

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You waited patiently with Shawn and the rest of the group as Geoff talked to the girl at the front desk getting everything taken care of for your big laser tag game.
Shawn's arm was loosely placed on your shoulder as he talked to Ian that was standing next to him.

"Alright everyone gather around" Geoff called out to you ushering you all to walk over to him.
Once everyone was gathered around him in a messy circle he started to call out people's names to let them know which team each person was in.

There were 15 of you, and everyone would be divided into 3 groups. The red, green, and the blue team.

"I hope we end up in the same team" Shawn said with a smile on his face as he looked down at you pulling you closer to his side.
"I hope not" your said pursing your lips. Shawn looked at you in mock hurt.

"Why don't you want to be in the same team as me?" he questioned
"I love you babe but you are literally a tree and everyone will see you coming from a mile away. So you don't exactly make the best team mate and I wanna win" you said with a shrug. Shawn rolled his eyes playfully at your reasoning.

"Shawn blue, [Y/N] green, Brian red" Geoff said.
"Yes were in separate teams!" you said excitedly.

"Oh you're going down darling" he said with a wink walking to where his team was gathering.
One of the employees ushered everyone into the equipment room to pick up your vest and the gun.


You kept quite as you hid behind one of the structures in the arena. Two people from your team so far had been eliminated and you had no idea where the other 2 were.

You hid close to your team's base making sure to shoot at anyone who tried to take the base out. Your eyes scanned the arena looking for any flashing blue or red lights. Your heart was beating fast from the adrenalin of the game.

You felt someone grab onto your waist from behind pulling you backwards against a wall in the corner. You were about to let out a scream when you noticed a familiar pair of brown eyes looking down at you.

"Shawn!" you said pushing against his shoulder.
"You scared me! And you know there is no physical contact in the game!" you said scolding him.

He didn't answer you as he looked down at you with a grin on his face. You didn't know what his intensions were but you didn't trust him one bit. You held your gun tighter in your hand about to point it at his vest to shoot him.

He easily pushed your gun away with his free hand holding onto your wrist to stop you from shooting him. His face was drawn closer to yours his warm breath washing over your face as he spoke.

"So you were hiding here the whole time huh" he said in a low voice a wide smirk on his face. Before you could reply he closed the short distance between you two, placing his lips on top of yours.

You were taken back by his actions, your body stiffened at first since you were unsure of his intensions. But once he let go of your wrist wrapping an arm around your waist pulling you flushed against him you let your body relax, kissing him back.

His thumb softly traced against the exposed skin of your waist, his                   tongue parting your lips to taste you.

Your nostrils were filled with the sweet smell of his cologne as you dropped your gun wrapping your arms around his neck losing yourself in the kiss.

As soon as your guard was down you heard the sound of a laser gun going off your eyes opening suddenly. You pulled back from him looking down at your west to see that the flashing green light on your vest was no longer on.

"Did you just-" you said looking at him with a stunned expression.
"Told you were going down babe" he said with a wink as he pulled away from you walking away with a smirk on his face, leaving you to ponder about what just happened

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