Saturday Morning

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Your stirring next to him in bed caught his attention

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Your stirring next to him in bed caught his attention. He quickly locked his phone with an excited grin on his face as he watched and waited for you to wake up, but was met with a quiet sigh and turn of your head. He groaned quietly in annoyance, staring at the back of your head.

Saturday was always your day to stay in bed and catch up on the hours of sleep you had missed throughout the week from working. Shawn, on the other hand, had finally caught a break from the studio and had been looking forward to spending his much needed time with you, but was disappointed when he came to the realization you weren't waking up any time soon.

He grew restless and impatient, wanting nothing more than your undivided attention and some kisses. Turning onto his side and propping his head up on his hand, he slowly lifted your (his) shirt up, exposing your bare back and slowly ran his finger up and down your back.

"Baaabyyyy," he whispered softly. You remained breathing steadily and deep in sleep.

He laid his cold hand against your back, causing you to flinch and whimper quietly. Still half-asleep, you turned onto your back and brought the covers up to your chin, slowly falling back into your slumbering state. He let out an exasperated sigh as he sat up and leaned in close to your face.

"HEY!" he shouted. Your face scrunched up as your eyes fluttered open and was met with the face of your pouty boyfriend. You pushed his face away and turned on your side.

"M'sleepy," you mumbled against the pillow.

"What do you mean you're sleepy? It's almost noon," he whined. You didn't answer as you slowly started falling back to sleep.

He laid back down beside you and laid his head right next to yours as he stared at your closed eyelids. He gently bumped his head against yours and sighed frustratedly once you remained still with your eyes closed. He turned onto his back and stared up at the ceiling as he tried to think of other ways to get your attention. With a small, stubborn pout on his face, he rolled over on top of you, squishing you flat against the bed.

"Shawwwnnnnn," you groaned in annoyance, coughing a bit. "You fucker, get off of me!"

"Not until you wake up."

Your eyes opened into slits as you stared up at the ceiling. He nuzzled his face into your neck and peppered it with soft kisses. Sighing tiredly, you ran your fingers through his hair and kissed the top of his head while trying not to be too annoyed.

A small part of you felt guilty for being a bit of a grouch to him, especially when he just wants your attention, but you couldn't help it; you wanted your sleep. You felt yourself drifting off yet again as he made his way down to your chest with the lightest of kisses, loving the feeling of his soft lips against your skin.

The slow rise and fall of your chest became noticeable to Shawn, causing him to become irritated again. You've gotta be kidding me, he thought. He dropped his head on your chest, a look of annoyance on his face. Huffing quietly, he pushed himself up and sat himself on your thighs, both legs on each side of you.

He stared down at you as he watched you slowly fall back into a deep sleep, admiring the way your lip jut out slightly. You looked so at peace... It's such a shame it won't last for long.

Reaching over next to your head, he grabbed his pillow and fluffed it out with a smirk on his face. He knew you were gonna be pissed at him for this, but it was noon already and half the day had been wasted. It was driving him insane.

He swung the pillow at your face, making sure not to hit you too hard with it, but hard enough to startle you. And it did.

Your eyes shot open as you wake with a jolt, heart pounding in your ears. Irritation bubbles up inside of you, twice as much as before once you're met with that stupid, satisfied smirk on Shawn's face.

"What the hell is your problem?!" you snapped, trying to snatch the pillow from his hands. Quickly throwing it behind him, he leaned forward and began to attack your face with kisses, his lips purposely making a loud smacking sound after each one.

You tried suppressing the smile that wanted to make its way across your face, but failed horribly, accidentally letting a giggle slip out. You felt his smile against your face as he continued his attack and gripped onto his thighs.

"Baaabyyyyy," you whined quietly, trying to move your face away.

"Noooooo," he whined back and took ahold of your face in his hands. Leaning his forehead against yours, he softly pecked your lips repeatedly, not letting you speak.

Putting your hands over his, you leaned forward and let your lips linger on his, intertwining your fingers atop of his. He smiled against your lips, knowing your decision to give in and accepting defeat.

Brushing his nose against yours, his lips hovered over yours, "Are you actually gonna stay awake now?" His pleading eyes bore into yours, making you giggle at how cute he was being. You watched his eyes light up as you nodded your head, ready to attack you with more kisses.

"But," you started. He nodded, urging you to continue. "As long as we can stay in bed."

His face broke out into a smile once again as he nodded eagerly, "Anything, baby. Anything for you," just happy he finally gets the attention he's been craving from you.


here's a quick imagine before I head of to school. I'll publish more as soon as I get back home.

also Imagine cuddling with him offt big MOOD.

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