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"BABE WHERE ARE YOU?!" Shawn yelled, making his way into our shared house. "UPSTAIRS" I yelled back, quickly throwing old magazines, letters,and photos I was looking at under the mattress. As soon as I set the mattress down, Shawn was leaning on the door frame, looking at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Hi baby" I say playing it cool but I could see Shawn's eyes travel down to the bed causing me to look too and I silently sighed as a part of a magazine was poking out.

"What's that?" Shawn questioned walking over to it but I put my hand on his chest to stop him.

"It's private things" I state, desperate for him to let it go. But knowing him, I wasn't surprised when he fought his way past me and lifted the mattress up a bit to pull the stuff out. After a few seconds of looking at them he began laughing, realizing what it was.

"It's...." Shawn began to say, turning each page.
"You." I finished, covering my face.

"Babe this magazine has me and numerous Magcon boys in it" I could tell Shawn was in 'awe' as he turned each page, nostalgia probably hitting him just like it did to me.

"They even were talking about my Handwritten album which means it was from 2014-2015″ Shawn flipped through the folded up posters to see it was of him and I knew I wanted to die instantly.

"OK THATS ENOUGHHHHHH" I whined, taking them from his hands only for him to laugh.

"You used to be a major fan awwww" Shawn teased and I hit his arm.
"We don't talk about it" I said, sitting down on the bed.

"Why are you even looking through them?" Shawn asked.

"I was cleaning my closet out and found it in a bin that I haven't touched in a while. I found literally all my merchandise from you to One direction to even Austin freaking Mahone." I said, lightly laughing.

"Austin?? That's ironic, was that before you liked me?" Shawn asked and I couldn't help but laugh at that silly question.

"Before babe but if you don't mind I think we should change the subject" I nervously said, wanting the topic to be over.

"Ok fine but just know I think it's adorable that you were a fan" Shawn said and I groaned, standing up.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked trying to get away as soon as possible.


I nodded and grabbed my keys off of our dresser.

"So you want your regular sandwich with no tomatoes and a Dr.Pepper?" I asked and Shawn nodded. Just as I was walking out of the bedroom I stopped when Shawn said something.

"I'm glad you remembered that I hate tomatoes, a true fan"

I then turned around and walked to the other side of the bed and grabbed a pillow, throwing it at him pretty hard.

"Better hush before I text Austin, I heard he's still single" I joke, walking out as Shawn gasped.

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