Thank You!! (Q/A)

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Thank you guys so much for reading 'Abused' !!! I think I might make a sequel to it in the future but now yall are just gonna have to wait...

I suggest that you guys read my horror story "Look Out!" I really suggest that book to anyone that likes horror and drama, plus with lots of confusion. (But don't worry things will turn out to make sense during the middle-end)

And I am sorry for making the last chapter SOOooOOOoooo Long like seriously I have never ever EVER written a chapter that long in my life...The longest I have ever written is really up to 3000 words but that one was 5000 and I'm sorry if you felt bored with it and the whole book. And about the whole Amelia adopting Riley thing, I don't know how adopting kids or children work so I just made it up on that part since I was too lazy to actually search up "How to adopt kids" Or whatever

And there might be some questions that you guys still might be asking so I'll just answer the ones that you guys might be thinking...


What happens to Christina? (Riley's mother)

Christina is going to go to jail but is still left cuffed at Riley's old home so... Really we're all just gonna have to figure out later on in the future... But she will surely be going to jail for what she's done.

What about Riley's little brother and sister?

Lilly and Lucas were with their dad when Christina came to visit Lupe for Riley so as they soon find out what has actually happened to their mother then they will just continue to live with their dad and stepmom (Yes Lucas's and Lilly's dad cheated on Christina and left her leaving her to end up with Lucas and Lilly, 5 years after Riley's dad left them. Pretty sad, isn't it?)

 What aunt was Amelia talking about?

When Amelia said, "How was I gonna tell my aunt about this?" She meant that she didn't know how to tell her aunt about adopting Riley. Why not her parents? That's because Amelia's parents both died when she was 12. So her aunt has been taking care of her ever since before she fully became an adult and got her own place and her job to become a police officer. 

Does Riley actually get a babysitter?

Well, it depends if I actually have her get one later on in the sequel...

What about Riley's dad? What happens to him?

Riley's dad (aka Liam) he, unfortunately, is living a good life with his wife and a new baby girl. He has no idea what Christina has been doing to Riley over the years and has never visited her or tried to call her even once. He has completely forgotten about her after getting married to another woman. Can we get a #1 dad of the year awards like for real...smh 

So does he ever find out that Riley has gotten adopted? That's a no.

Do Riley's grandparents ever find out about her adoption? 

Imma say no, they haven't found out yet. 

What's with Riley's voice in her head?

The voice was just someone that I wanted to put in there 😂. It was just a voice that is supposed to lead Riley in the right path but will sometimes annoy her when it wants to. And is the voice Riley herself?  Who knows? That will forever remain a mystery.

What happens to Karoline and her mother (Lupe) will they ever see Riley again?

That depends on the next chapter which will be the sequel! So let's just keep it remained as if that was the last time Karoline was ever gonna see Riley again. That's why she gave Riley a friendship bracelet in the first place. If they ever got separated they would always have the bracelet to remember each other's presence. 

Why couldn't Riley just stay with Karoline in the first place?

Riley couldn't stay because her mother said so (why? We'll never know) and because if Riley would've stayed with Karoline then Amelia would have never have gotten to adopt her in the first place. Plus I kind of wanted them to end up together in the end :) 

They just have that mother and daughter bond that I'm pretty sure some girls want. (Like me lol)

Is Amelia still a police officer?

Yes. Yes, she is and she will remain one until she thinks that she needs a break. But now with having Riley she's gonna need a babysitter...

(This is where Crystal comes iiiinnnnn (From 'Look Out!')


Okay! that's all the questions that I can think of 😂.  If you guys have any more questions just ask me in the comments!

And thank you so, so, so, so, SO, much for reading this story that probably has a lot of errors and misspelling. But I will be sure to fix and edit this later🙌^O^

I will sure to make a sequel in the future but until then...


And thanks again!! Seriously, I love you guys!!

Peace Out, 


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