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dear asian boy,


one day

i could maybe..

meet you?

you seem rather..





i smiled, folding the note up and placing it underneath my pillow before i tossed and turned around to face the ceiling.

i wish i knew this girls name, but she won't tell me.

i'm curious as to why, but i don't push the matter.

"calum, mate, wanna go get-"

"leave me alone." i grumbled, my gaze not leaving my ceiling.

"woah.. okay, uhm, well-"

"i said leave me alone." i growled, sitting up straight and sending ashton a death glare.

his eyes widened and he put his hand up in surrender, before backing out of the room, shutting the door.

sighing, i rubbed my hand down my face, laying back down.

they just don't understand when i want to be alone. huh?

"psycho's," i scoffed silently to myself, grasping my phone off the side table.

luke5sos ; hola peeps . how are you all today? xo

ashton5sos ; guess cal doesn't want smoothies :D lol

michael5sos ; guys calum won't play fifa with me :(

i rolled my eyes before tweeting my own tweet.

calum5sos ; people just don't understand . psychos.

i scrolled through my twitter looking at the ignorant posts before my door slammed open.

"calum what's your problem?" luke scoffed, turning on the light making me flinch.

"what are you talking about, problem?" i questioned, turning my phone off and putting it back on the side table.

"you know exactly what problem i'm talking about." he grumbled. "it's arianna, isn't it?"

"what? who's arianna?" i huffed.

his eyes widened before shaking his head. "no one. look, just, please, calum. stop this. stop being such a fucking dick. okay?"

before i could answer he turned on his heels, walking out of the room.

who's arianna?

shaking my head, i stood up and grabbed my black box from underneath my bed and opened it up, looking at all the letters.

i've never had the chance to actually look them over, and now that i do.. wow

maybe there's a clue to what her name is in here?

i pulled the first letter out just as the door swung open.

"get up calum, we're going out." michael snapped, folding his arms and standing in the doorway with one foot up.

"uhm, no, i'm not." i scoffed, sliding the box behind my back before michael could see.

he ignored me, and walked to my closet picking out some clothes from the back of the closer before throwing them at me and ordering me to get dressed.

not wanting to make him back, i sighed with defeat, walking into my bathroom and changing into the dark clothes of which he handed me.


the streets were slightly covered with snow and the grass was a frosty crystal white. the houses around me were softly covered with white and the air was cool and soft as it blew around the boys and i.

there weren't many people out, but that's when my eyes got the attention of the beautiful brunette with bright blue eyes and a slightly pink nose due to the cold, as she kicked around the snow, the same implanted snarl on her face causing her cheek bones to slightly rise.

all it did was make her more beautiful.

the snarl on her face caused her dimples to show which she probably hates.

what doesn't she hate i thought to myself as my eyes couldn't leave from admiring her beauty.

as if on cue, like she knew i was talking about her, she turned around making eye contact with me and her eyes squinted.

yes you fucking psycho it's me, asian boy, boy you hate.

her eyes let go of the squint it was holding and she looked over to luke with a smirk on her face, crossing her arms and leaning up against the building i'm guessing she lives in.

how does she know luke?

wait, is she arianna?

i was so confused, nothing here was helping and i began to felt hopeless in the matter.

luke gulped, biting his lip while shaking his head and looking down to the ground and at me.

my eyes went back to the psycho who had her eyebrow's raised and the smirk still on her face as she flipped her hair before going back into the position she was previously in.

after a bit of a starring war between the three of us she pushed herself off of the wall, holding her arms up in surrender as luke had jumped back before she slumped her shoulders and nodded, turning back around and running up the stairs back into the building, looking back once more at us to smirk and roll her eyes.

luke not looking at me, i could see small tear droplets running down his cheeks as he stuffed his hands in his pockets and began running back to the hotel.


3 hours had passed, 3 hours of taunting with the silence that held the key between me and luke.

within the past hour i had made my way into the room and just sat and starred at the black box that sat on my stand.

i then grasped it into my hands and tore it open, dumping out all of the notes and looking them over carefully.

each of them had a black letter underneath the from, psycho.

i laid the 7 letters and carefully tried putting them together.
























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