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dear luke,

why are you doing this?

we can make in work.

i swear i'll stop.

luke please.


i need you.

love, forever,



the sun beamed through the window showing that a new day had just begun, but i have not slept and calum still isn't home.

i know i shouldn't be worried, arianna would do nothing to him that i know of.

a deep sigh escaping my lips i dug through more of the letters until i found the little dark blue box.

the promise ring.

opening up the box the shiny silver ring sparkled with the new found sunlight peeking underneath my blinds.

how could she throw this all away?

even though, i sorta was the one who threw it away but she was out of control with what she was doing. harming people left and right, killing a few, drugs, alcohol.

then she went missing.

even though she didn't exactly.. go missing. she ran away.

the police had found her two weeks later and she stayed at my house for about a week until she actually did go missing.

she was gone for six months and everyone was searching for her. amber alerts were out everyday for about 3 months before the cops got over it and knew they wouldn't find her, and that she was surely long gone. as in, dead.

three months later i begged police knowing she was okay, knowing she was out there.

eventually the replied to my requests and went out looking for her before finding her 3 days later, in an abandoned warehouse. tied to walls, blood trickling down her.

relief was washed over me and everyone else as they found out she was alive and she was going to be okay.

four weeks later, they let her out of the hospital and she stayed with me.

but that's when she got back into it.

the drugs the deaths the fear

it was all present just by her tone.

she used to talk, but she was very shy. then after i ended it, she stopped.

i didn't want to end it, but she was psycho and could turn on me any time.

i still loved her and cared, and i still do.

three years.

of love just, washed away.

so i left.

i met the band, i got over her.

i heard about her before.

she met calum.

now she's back.



i wrote this in like 10 minutes so i'll edit it later

but this is Luke's pov and a filler about what went on with them .

okay i love you

stay hella rad

mwuah x


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