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dear psycho,

fuck you.

god, i fucking hate you.

i can't tell you how much i hate you.

do you realize?

or are you just,

too psychotic to give a fuck?

a fuck about anyone?

anyone but yourself?

of course not.

you're a waste of my fucking time.

burn in fucking hell.

i hate you.

i hate you so much.


calum. fuck you.


"i'm too punk rock for this," michael groaned, throwing his cards at luke.

"what does punk rock have to do with go fish?" luke questioned.

"because the fish on the cards aren't punk rock."

"michael, there are no fish on the cards." ashton laughed.

"then why the fuck do they call it go fish if there's no fish?" he gasped.

"because maybe they thought it was relevant?" luke shrugged.

"that's completely irrelevant. that pisses me off." 

luke and ashton laughed as luke checked his phone, "i gotta go."

"going to see your lover?" ashton winked.

luke rolled his eyes. "yes."

i scoffed and handed him the letter, "give this to her."

he cautiosly took it and nodded to me.

"bye guys, bye michael."

"i swear i'm suing the creator of go fish."

"get over it."

"i can't that ruined my childhood."


i stuffed my hands in my pockets and continued on walking down the street, tears in my eyes.

how could she just, do this to me?

forget that i ever even existed?

but, there's only two more weeks left.

and then i'll be free.

free from-

my thoughts were interupted as heard a loud crash and bang.

what the fuck?

i turned around to where the noise came from as i saw arianna's, or, psycho's, building.

is she okay?

did something happen to her?

my thoughts cleared as i saw my biggest fear laying on the side of the house.




god dammit arianna this is why we can't have nice things. 

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