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dear asian boy,









i can't believe this had to happen..

i can't believe this did even happen.

ashton and michael have been blaming me..

and i can't blame them either.

it's all my fault.

if i didn't get involved with arianna,

she'd have no reason to want to kill luke.

luke would still be here.

he wouldn't be dead. 

no kid should have to worry about if a local teenage- girl whom goes by psycho is going to kill your best friend, and now past band-mate.

no kid should have to wake up and think, "is my best friend going to die today?"

no kid should have to sit in their room and cry because they're friend is dead and gone and never coming back.











but this is all my fault, and i have to deal with the fact that arianna killed luke.

all because of me.

if i hadn't started talking to her?

luke would still be alive.

if i hadn't started writing her letters?

luke would still be alive.

if i hadn't fallen in love with her?

luke would still be alive. 

"calum, get the fuck up. i'm not in the mood for your shit and the cop is here," michael snapped, slamming my door shut causing me to sigh and climb out of bed.

i walked out into the living room where ashton and michael sat giving me glares, next to both a woman and a male officer.

"hello, mr. hood. mind if we ask you a few questions?"

i sent them a smile and sat down.

"okay, so do you know who did this?" the male questioned.

i looked at the boys and michael sent me a death glare along with a scoff.

"erm, yes.. sir, i do."

ashton and michael both perked up with wide eyes when they heard me say yes, and they sent me small, very small, smiles.

"who?" the woman asked, obviously shocked i had given up so easily.

"arianna, i don't know her last name, uhm in the town she's known as psycho. i'm 99% sure she has a record somewhere." i mumbled.

"uhm, ma'am, sir, her last name is kline. uhm, arianna, kline, obviously." michael nerviously laughed.

they smiled and jotted down their notes, "do you know where we can find her?"

i gulped and sighed, "uhm, do you know that old worn out brick building? that's where she lives,"

the cops looked at each other curiously, sighing. "isn't that were a case was filed around a few months ago with a dead guy?"


"so you mean we're dealing with the arianna kline?"


"well, looks like you're on your own kids," the man sighed, closing his book.

"what do you mean?" ashton paniced, standing up.

"she's been wanted for 11 years, son. she's impossible to catch," 

"can't you do anything?" michael questioned. "she killed our best mate!"

"i'm sorry, sir. there's nothing more the police can do,"

i gulped and stood up, "wait!"

they all stopped and looked at me.

"what if i told you.." i took a break and sighed, "that i could get arianna?"

"then we can do something," the lady laughed sourly. "until then, our prayers go out."

they ended with that before walking out the door and going to their cop car.

"how the actual hell, do you expect to get arianna, calum?" ashton sighed.

"yeah, and for her to confess as well? doesn't she hate your guts or something," michael mumbled.

"well, i have to do something here, guys. obviously it's my fault this even happened so-"

"what are you talking about, cal?" ashton stopped me. "it's not your fault at all, if luke didn't run back to her then he would still be alive."

"yeah, it's his own damn stupidty that got him into it," michael scoffed.

"yes, but that doesn't change the fact my best mate is dead, guys." i mumbled. "i'm going to do whatever i can, even if that means potentially getting killed by her."

the boys looked at each other and smiled to me.

"i'm getting justice for luke if it's the last thing i do in life."


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