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dear calum,

i know you were with her.


why are you with her?

she's mine.


the fuck.



none of your business.


i had gotten this letter.

should i be scared?

i'm not..

but i am.

at the same time,

is that good?

no, of course it's not.

"luke, do you know who this is?" i questioned, handing him the note.

"no idea, but is that where you were?" he snapped.

"yes.. bu-"

"seriously calum? we were so fucking worried about you, was it for nothing?"

"it wasn't for noth-"

"bullshit calum! we were sitting here worried sick about you, just to find out later that day you were finding ariana?" luke growled, stepping closer to me by the second.

"will you sto-"

"no, i won't stop!"

"stop interupting me you fucking prick!" i screamed, pushing him away from me, causing him to fall onto the floor.

"what's going on with you, calum? you aren't the same person we became friends with." he scoffed, lifting himself off the floor and sending me a snarl.

"you know nothing about me," i snapped.

"but i know everything about arianna." he grumbled, walking out of the room, slamming the door shut once more causing me to wince.


i lay in bed, thinking of what luke said.

"but i know everything about arianna"

how does he even know arianna?

i mean, yeah, she's psycho everyone knows her and she makes that one clear.

but, how does he know everything about her?

i don't even know everything about her.

i just recently found out her name for fucks sake.

and he knows everything about her?

she doesn't even talk.

she hates the world.

she hates me..

why am i even stressing over this?

it's not worth it.

she's not worth it.

that's a lie.

she's worth everything in this world.

and lukes my best mate.

i shouldn't be tearing the band apart.

i shouldn't be ruining mine and lukes friendship.

i should focus on the band and less on arianna.

i can't let her ruin me anymore.. i'm putting my foot down.

it's time to take control back in my life.




damn cal.

sorry this is short but ily lots like tater tots

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