Chapter 1: The Voice That Doesn't Know How to Shut It

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My name's Sina, and I'm not necessarily 'normal'. Actually, I'm quite the opposite. I'm a half-blood, a demigod. My dad is none other than the great and powerful Hades, god of the Underworld. My brother, Nico, and sister, Hazel, are my family.

Hazel has been my friend since I arrived at Camp Jupiter, where she invited me to the fifth cohort without knowing anything about me or what I've done. A few days later, I was claimed, and I couldn't have been more excited to be Hazel's sister.

Nico was a bit different. He was nervous to find out he'd have another sister; he didn't want any more family. I later found out he was scared of getting attached to me just to lose me, but he came around with great encouragement from his 'significant annoyance' Will. He realized he shouldn't let the fear of losing someone prevent him from loving them.

Yes, it's very sweet and touching and all.

Anyway, here's my story.

It all started on a normal day when I was training with Lacy. We were practicing hand-to-hand combat when I saw an abnormally large black mastiff at the edge of the forest. It sat between two trees and just stared at us. He didn't move or look remotely aggressive; he looked peaceful—no, relaxed. He tilted his head slightly as I eyed him suspiciously. Lacy started to charge me, but she stopped short when she realized I wasn't paying attention to her. "What are you- What is that? It looks like a small hellhound," she remarked.

"No, too small to be one and isn't aggressive like most or energetic like Mrs. O'Leary. He's just...sitting there," I countered as he continued to observe us with his head cocked slightly. He was...waiting. What in Hades' name was he waiting for?

"Lacy, stay right behind me, blade ready," I instructed as I tucked my pale blonde hair behind my ear. I pulled out my own twin Stygian iron daggers and flicked my wrists, causing them to stretch into swords.

[They're badass, of course. I'm pretty sure that's why dad gave them to me - not for functionality, for badass-itry.]

I advanced cautiously. The dog's eyes traced my swords lazily, and then, he fixed his eyes on my face then Lacy's. He seemed like he wasn't surprised by our weapons, almost annoyed. It seemed almost as if he had a reason for being there and our defensiveness was a waste of his precious time.

He rose from his haunches and trotted a few steps away before turning back to us. He looked directly into my eyes like he was staring into my soul. "Follow the dog," I heard a strained voice plea. I recognized that voice; I heard it in my dreams all the time but could never remember what it said. I knew the voice was inside of me, in my mind, but it seemed real. Maybe I was just crazy.

My curiosity won, and I glanced back at Lacy with a nod. We followed the dog for a while before it stopped suddenly and sat down.

[Whilst recounting this, I realize that I am that white person in a horror movie that dies first because of their own stupidity. Oh well, life's fun this way.]

I finally had the intelligence to think of leaving the dog be and telling Chiron before I heard a rustling in the trees directly behind us. Lacy turned on her heel and put her back to mine. I heard nothing at all except the voice urging me to wait, stay vigilant, and keep a level head. I heard the rustling again, but the source had moved to right beside me.

Lacy tensed behind me. "Everything's fine on the Great Scale of Demigod. Just stay sharp," I assured, but she shifted uneasily. The rustling occurred again, but this time it was at 11 o'clock. It had to be on my weak side. Then, the Oracle of Delphi Rachel Elizabeth Dare stumbled out of the trees.

I had to stop myself mid-strike, because I forgot in my panic that she was in fact mortal. "What the fuck!" I shouted at her, "Do you understand how damn dangerous it is to be in the forest alone? Even if you are a mortal!" I shrieked at her, imagining all the things that could potentially kill her, but she wasn't listening—no she couldn't hear me.

Her eyes were glazed over too. I sheathed my weapons and heard the scrape of a sheath behind me. Shit, I was responsible for Lacy too because it was my bright idea to come here. I took a step towards Rachel as I realized she was either about to announce a new prophecy or something was really, really wrong.

I got my answer as green smoke filled the clearing. Rachel stumbled to me and grabbed my arms. I hate physical contact so I immediately tried to shake free, but her grip was stronger than I thought possible. Rachel's voice was raspy and definitely not her own when she declared:

"Darkness alone will answer
Stumble across a disease worse than cancer

Never find peace

Turn a man to ghost
Two abandon their post

Recover the family
Never unhear their plea."

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