Chapter 24: Love and Warmth

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I felt a pain in my side, my chest, and head. My entire body went weightless, and my heart seized up. I was twirling through the air. Then, the ground got closer and closer. I passed out before I hit it.

I woke up feeling the same terrible emotion-filled way. I felt incredibly sad but nothing at all. I was exhausted. Wait... I was touching someone; they were touching me. I couldn't open my eyes; they were too heavy. I was leaning back against someone. Their arm was around my stomach, cradling me. I was moving, like on a horse. My instincts shouted to run, shadow travel, just get away, but I realized something good: rosemary, warm. Armin.

I felt awful, but having him hold me made it better. At least until the voices of my mind started arguing.

Left Brain: That's it. Stop it.

Right Brain: What? Why?

Left Brain: We'll get nothing other than hurt.

Right Brain: You don't know that.

Left Brain: He'll take our heart.

Right Brain: He can have it.

Left Brain: He'll break it.

Right Brain: He wouldn't; he's too sweet.

Left Brain: We'll get hurt.

Right Brain: So? He's worth the risk.

Left Brain (rolls eyes and faces Right Brain): I've kept us safe for this long. Listen to me.

Right Brain (faces Left Brain): Listen to me. Survival mode is turned off except for when in combat. We need him to survive everything else. He's worth the risk.

Everything except the feeling of Armin's soft, warm touch and rosemary scent faded around me. I was going to be okay; Armin was going to protect me from anything and everything. He had all of my trust.

I don't just give that out.

I slipped asleep thinking about all his small things: the way he looked at me, the twinkle in his eyes; the way his iris pattern seemed to move when he was thinking, the way he smiled at me, his laugh, the way he held himself, the way he held me...

Finally, Right Brain won over Left Brain. I love Armin; I cant's lose him. I'll protect him the way he protects me. I'll try my damnedest to be there for him the way he is for me. I'll do everything I failed to do before. I'll tell him about everything if he asks. I'll do everything for him. I care about his happiness more than my own. I need him. I love him more than anything, except maybe my family. I love him.

I woke up to see Wall Maria nearing. I felt much better but still a little shaky from being weightless in the air. I could manage flying on Agro, tall buildings, and the walls, but I couldn't handle weightless three-ish meters above the ground. Nope.

I was still against Armin's chest. He really was a fantastic pillow. His arm was still around my stomach, holding me close. I opened my eyes and looked up at him. He looked ahead to Wall Maria with his hair flying behind him. Ugh, why so beautiful?

I finally decided to let Armin know I was awake rather than stare at his face even though I liked to. "You're a great pillow."

He looked down at me, his face slightly red. "I, ugh, I didn't think it would be good for you to be on Agro unconscious by yourself and, ugh, I don't fight. Will's got a lot of people to heal too so, I um-"

"You're a great pillow," I repeated with a laugh. I snuggled closer to him. "Thanks for everything." I meant it; I meant it for the hugs, when we first met, the kindness, the acceptance, the everything he had done for me.

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