Chapter 17: Scream

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When the sun started to sink, I woke Ymir. I felt bad for lying to Nico about sleeping, but I'd be fine. I did rest too so...

Ymir groaned but got up fairly quickly. Eren was still out, and I didn't have anything in me to spare. He'd have to stay like that. I looked out the window to confirm my sense of direction and the angle we'd need to travel at for the most direct route for the thousandth time. I looked down at the ground to see Eren and Ymir's horses were cantering around the base of the steeple. They seemed healthy and well rested. That made this a whole lot easier.

I picked up the rope I used to fasten the case to Agro. The cut was clean, but the other ends were frayed. I put it back in my bag and pulled out another. Ymir and I hauled Eren down the stairs. I didn't want Eren unconscious on a horse that would obey the warriors so I decided to keep him with me. I didn't want to strain Agro, but I couldn't lose Eren. I fastened the case to Eren's straw-colored horse as best as I could. Ymir and I pulled Eren on top of Agro.

We rode peacefully for about two hours, but I knew in the back of my mind that it couldn't last. I sensed something was near us, but I couldn't tell what it was or how far away it was due to my exhaustion. It was probably Greek, but I couldn't be sure. I started considering different options.

Charge at it with Eren
Stop and put Eren on the other horse
Ride on Eren's horse myself
Charge it on foot
Have Ymir continue
Have Ymir help me

Yeah, none of them were good. I knew we wouldn't be able to outrun it; I was sure. I decided I'd call Cerberus to fight with me and have Agro continue with Eren and Ymir staying with him. "Ymir, something's following us."

"What? Should I change forms?"

"No; I'm charging it on foot. Protect Eren. Don't look back," I ordered.


"Trust me." Agro slowed, and I jumped off him. Eren slumped against his neck, still unconscious. Agro's running was smooth enough for Eren to stay on him at the reduced pace for a short interval.

I ran towards my demise and whistled for Cerberus. He bounded up to me and ran beside me at the exact same speed. "Scout, boy!" He gave me a small borf before racing ahead of me and disappearing behind a hill. I couldn't bear the thought of him getting hurt for me.



I ran as fast as I possibly could.

Grrrr. Yipe. Arf. Snap. Rip. Scrape. Click.

I ran faster and crested the hill to see Cerberus fighting six opponents, one being Chase. There was one other human and four germani. The germani were all seven feet tall and ripped. Cerberus was cornered. Why were they targeting him like that? "Hi-a, Chase! Am I a bad girl?" I teased, trying to look like the wifey from before.

He turned around and stared at me with a smirk on his face. I hated his smugness. He turned to his comrades and said something to them before marching his happy ass up to me. I smiled innocently.

"Yes, you are a very bad girl. Now, I'm going to teach you how a real man handles a disobedient wife."

"Oh really? You'll have to catch me first." I ran back down the hill.

He screamed to his fellows that he'd handle me himself. I ran until we were out of sight of the others. I stopped and pretended to be out of breath. Once he almost reached me, I sidestepped, and he couldn't stop himself quick enough.

I flicked out my blades. The look on his face was priceless. I cut across his arms. He tried to grab me.

"No, no, no. That's not how a real man treats women."

I cut his chest and hit him hard with the end of my dagger. He went down. I couldn't risk him ratting on me. He was already dying slowly. I whispered a prayer to dad before piercing his heart.

Good to know my daggers work on titan shifters.

I could hear Cerberus struggling. Even though he wouldn't die because he was immortal, that didn't mean he couldn't feel pain. No one hurts my puppy.

I shadow traveled behind them, my caution gone with the wind. I didn't care about anything other than protecting Cerberus the way he had protected me. I threw a dagger at the warrior; down he went. Now four germani. What a lovely way to die. "Nico, I love you. Tell everyone else I love them." I charged into battle and let my instincts take over.

Stab. Slash. Dodge. Try to stay alive. Repeat.

There was one germanus left. Cerberus stood at my side, growling at it as it lumbered forward. I swayed on my feet, my stomach churning and eyes closing, head throbbing. I tried to stab it, but I was too slow. It hit my head with its club. My vision and entire body wobbled until I hit the ground and everything stopped.

I blinked my eyes; I felt sluggish and groggy. Everything around me was dark, and I was sitting down. I wasn't sure where I was.

Suddenly, a babble of voices exploded around me. I made to cover my ears, but my arms were heavy as lead. The noise was deafening, but I slowly started recognizing voices: Mama, Bastard, Nico, Mitchell, Reiner, Eren, my old peers, dozens of adult New-Orleans voices. They all insulted me over and over again.

"Grungy." "Faggot." "Trash." "Annoying." "Liar." "Con." "Fake." "Bitch." "Ugly." "Rat." "Scum." "Monster." "Asshole." "Son of a bitch." "Motherfucker." "Disgrace." "Idiot." "Ass."

The list went on and on, but suddenly, the voices seized at once.

Papa was hitting me over and over and over. It changed.

I was back in New Orleans at my old house. My face ached, and my head was split open. My stomach was sore. Mama and papa were fighting again. Mama looked mad, madder than when I had to have a chat with the police about beating up two kids from my school. Mama was crying but still yelling. He yelled back at her, louder. It changed.

Bastard was holding a gun. A bullet went in my shoulder. I closed my eyes; I couldn't see what happened next. I screamed as I heard a click and loud bang.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

I opened my eyes to see Bastard dead with holes in his back. It changed.

Countless people walked by me, ignoring me, looking down on me, veering away from me, insulting me. "That's why you have to stay in school, Mary." It changed.

Nico was pretending he didn't know me, that we weren't related.

Right Brain: Nico would never do that now. He loves us.
Anxiety: Sure he does. Keep saying that.
Right Brain: He does; that's why he-

It changed.

Mitchell was red-faced and pissed. Tears were hiding in his waterline. "Why can't you just trust me? Why can't you freaking talk to me? Why do you have to shut me out and make things difficult?"

It changed.

Eren was angry, his eyes like the hurricane. "Do me a favor and leave me be!"

It changed.

"You little fucking faggot!" Papa backhanded me and pushed me back to the wall. I fell and hit my head on a stand. He kicked me in the ribs. Crack. Mama ran in screaming. I closed my eyes and screamed; screamed until I couldn't hear my own voice. I just screamed and screamed and screamed.

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