Chapter 26: A Dude with a Crown Interrogates Me

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Armin rose and helped me up. For a second, he held onto my hands before he turned pink. A whole lotta awkward bubbled up around us, which was strange considering I fell asleep with him twice, leaned against him while unconscious, and was literally just snuggled against him.

I went over to Agro, and he sniffed my shoulder. He looked at me strangely, and I wondered if dad's opinions were reflected in him. I could imagine dad watching us and coming up with ship names. That was equally embarrassing and endearing.

I hopped on Agro and us seven grouped up. Erwin, Levi, and Hanji rode in front of us. Once we reached Trost, we were greeted by the military police and General Pyxis who took us to the drunk with a crown - I mean the prestigious king.

Only General Pyxis didn't look afraid. He could probably tell that since no one was at gunpoint or dead it was okay.

Nile spoke first. "Well, Erwin, it seems you are truly insane. Bringing these unknown elements into our territory... They should be eliminated immediately."

The king said, "They are a threat to my crown. They may be titans or want to overthrow me and take my crown. Be smart about this," he cautioned.

General Pyxis took a deep breath and said, "Or... perhaps Erwin is right. Maybe these people are just that, people. Maybe we can trust them. I am most anxious to find out myself."

"They saved us; they were most courageous on the field of battle," Erwin stated.

"Oh, I am sure. But if they didn't learn it in our military, where exactly did they?"

Percy said, "Seriously, sir, there are lots of places to learn how to fight."

Levi said, "Nile, use your brain. You've got at least half of one, don't you? I didn't learn the way you'd consider normal either."

"That's different. They're from the outside."

Reyna looked done with the entire conversation already. "We are. This world is much, mcuh bigger than this tiny territory. A single city from where we're from is larger than this."

"A city? You liar!"

Annabeth corrected, "Truth, see the population of the city most of us are from has approximately 8 million people."

"More lies," Nile insisted.

"Truth," I echoed. "Face it, the outside you've spent your entire life denying is vaster than your brain can imagine. In the grand scale of our planet, everything within the walls is less significant than a village is to you."

"I don't believe you; I don't believe any of you."

Reyna looked as annoyed as I felt. "Why don't we go inside and discuss everything that's happened? We can attempt to explain the world to you later."

Pyxis had been watching like it was a tennis match, turning his head back and forth as if keeping his eyes on a lightning-fast ball. "That's a wonderful idea." He turned around and marched into the fine building behind him without another word.

Nile followed, and the king stumbled after. Erwin and Levi slid off their horses and turned to face us. "Eren, Mikasa, Armin, Ymir, Historia, and you demigods come with us," Erwin ordered. We all jumped off our steeds and led them in, Agro and Argo in step with each other.

"If anything happens, get out right away with Mikasa if possible. Levi and I will figure the rest out," Nico muttered to me.

"Nico, I can't. I'll be sure to protect Mikasa, but I'm not leaving if I have a choice."

"Sina, please."

"If they target me or Mikasa specifically, I'll get us out."

"Fine. just be safe."

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