Chapter 18: I Swear

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Finally, I stopped screaming. I was on a cold stone floor in a fetal position. I drew my cloak around me as I shivered. I was alone with no idea where I was. Fucking lovely.

I couldn't stop shaking; couldn't stop whimpering. I couldn't handle any of what had just happened to me. I heard someone coming. It sounded like they were racing down a flight of stairs. I tried focusing on them, but I barely got a sense; there were too many other people around and too much in my head. All I knew was I was below ground.

I still couldn't get up, couldn't move at all. I still couldn't stop shaking and whimpering.

The person got closer. The door swung open, and light filled the room. I clamped my eyes shut. Where was I? Who was that? Did I really want to know?


The person approached me slowly. I didn't know why they were being slow. Were they trying to be cautious of me? Were they trying to not scare me?

The person said something I couldn't decipher; the ongoing screaming in my head drowned it out. I could tell the voice was male but couldn't recognize it. His voice had a certain softness to it; he was trying to be gentle. Good, I wasn't back with the warriors. I didn't really care in the moment though.

Leave me alone, Depression.

I tried to stop shaking and whimpering but couldn't. He was beside me now, still talking to me. I couldn't understand him. I wasn't sure how long he knelt beside me, trying to talk to me. His fingertips touched my shoulder, and I immediately flinched and clamped my eyes shut harder, but his fingertips were warm, soft, gentle...

The screaming died. I still couldn't stop shaking and whimpering, but my mind was clear.

"I'm sorry; I'm sorry," he apologized immediately, drawing his hand back. "Damn, you're cold as ice. I'll get a blanket, okay?"

My mind raced. Who was this guy? Why does he care? What was he saying earlier? He sat down next to me.

"I have a blanket. I'm just gonna cover you up. Is that okay? Can you even hear me?" he asked desperately.      

I tried to respond, but I couldn't. He wrapped the blanket around me. I flinched a tiny bit even though I tried not to. "Everything's okay; you're okay now," he soothed.

He left his hand on my shoulder for a second. He was warm; I was freezing.

"What happened? Has this happened before?" His voice was concerned but calming. "It's okay. ...You're so cold."

He sounded frustrated. I couldn't believe he wanted to help so much.

"Why are you shaking? Why are you hurting?" he desperately begged.

Okay, seriously, who is this guy?

"Is it okay if I hold you so you stop shaking and warm up? I don't know what else to do. I want to help you."

He seemed so desperate. He put his arms around me, and I forced myself not to flinch. He pulled me against his chest.

"Everything's okay; I'm here for you."

After a few minutes, I stopped shaking. He held me protectively, the way Nico held me after a bad nightmare or I got hurt. "Better?"

I still couldn't respond. I wanted to nod and whisper something, anything, but I couldn't move or talk.

"Do you want me to let go now?"

Nonononononono, I let him touch me; he couldn't leave now. I managed to snuggle a little closer to his chest.

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