Chapter 12: Good Enough

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Ymir didn't bother pretending that she trusted me. I liked that, skipping the bullshit. Bertolt tried to be nice, but I could tell he was worried. He kept looking at me with distrust every time he thought I wasn't looking. Repeatedly, he tried to catch Reiner's eye. Luckily for me, Reiner was a lonely guy and easy to distract. Giggle, smile, bat eyelashes, twirl hair, say something that isn't too long, repeat.

After a while, Ymir asked, "Do you two have a plan for when we're leaving?"

"Once it gets a little darker," Bertolt answered. He turned to face Reiner and asked, "Do you plan on taking her with us?" He seemed like he really didn't want to but was gonna leave it up to Reiner. Perfect.

I looked up at him and batted my eyelashes a few times and smiled sweetly. "Well, what else can we do? Leave her here to die? Enough people have died already," he said gravely, looking at me like he was very wise. He leaned in close to Bertolt and whispered, "If I can't have Krista, she's good enough for now." I pretended not to hear the last part.

Ymir looked at Reiner like you idiot why bring her and Bertolt with why are you letting him. I smiled at both of them sweetly.

After a few minutes of awkward silence, Bertolt broke it and asked, "Where are you from?"

Took 'em long enough. "I wish I knew," I sighed, "I don't know - can't remember anything about myself. I remember the name of the walls and my own, but not where I'm from." I took a second to have a poor-me moment. Agro took a few steps closer and bowed so that he nuzzled my face. I thought I probably looked young, weak, sweet, and innocent. Reiner was the only one who seemed to think there was even a remote possibility I was telling the truth.

"Is that horse yours?" Bertolt continued to interrogate.

"Yeah, Agro's mine. I wish I knew where I got such a beautiful horse," I said with a sigh as he whinnied.

"How did you get here?"

Could he stop asking questions? "I woke up down there," I gestured vaguely to the place I had been earlier, "Agro was standing on the wall above."

He seemed stumped for more questions. He pulled his knees to his chest and laid his head down on them. "We should sleep in shifts in case of...titans." I knew his concern was not titans.

"You sleep first so I'm rested when we leave," Reiner said dismissively. Bertolt didn't seem to like that idea but was too tired to protest.

After a few minutes, he had fallen asleep. Ymir stretched out on her back but kept her eyes open. I pulled my knees to my chest and wrapped my arms around my legs. I made myself shiver. "Are you cold?" I nodded. "How? It's boiling."

"I'm strange," I answered quietly.

"I didn't know I liked strange."

[Insert gagging sound here.]

He put an around me and pulled me closer to him. Every instinct in my body screamed to run away or stab him or both. I fought my instincts, which I rarely do.

"You're warm," I yawned. I laid my head against his shoulder and pretended to fall asleep. Fuck, this is awful. He laid his head down on top of mine. Okay, nononononono.

A few hours later, we left. Reiner ran along as the armored titan while we rode on his shoulders. I tried my hardest to keep my directions straight, but with the little light, it was difficult. I got lost quickly.

Finally, we got to this huge forest and went right into it. At the heart of it was an ancient castle that was clearly renovated. Reiner stopped and let us down before changing back into a human.

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