Chapter 9: Jason and Piper

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[I found out that Nico shadow traveled a few meters from the line between turfs and ran across. Because it was Nico's plan and Nico was the one to get the flag, the Hades cabin was awarded the flag. It hung outside our cabin with the helm of darkness and rivers of the Underworld flowing behind it.]

The first time I looked at the flag after it changed, the voice came back. This time it was full, hoarse, pained, and resigned. "Tonight is the night. At midnight, you will arrive at my palace." That was all he said.

I sighed and walked to the infirmary. Nico was helping Will. I looked over and saw Malcolm; he didn't look too great. I decided Nico and Will could wait. I swallowed my pride and walked over to him. He looked at me, confused, but he didn't tell me to leave. I decided that was just about an invitation. He was tired, very tired.

"How you feeling?" I asked with a small forced smile.

His eyes drifted away, and he mumbled, "Fine."

The cuts had healed with ambrosia and nectar. His hand had been taped and cast. "Do you remember what I told you? What I did after all of you were down?"

He looked at me keenly before shaking his head.

"I said I wouldn't have done as much if you didn't fight so hard. I apologized beforehand so my conscious is clear before I race after my death," I joked and put my hands up.

"Better than an Ares kid," he said with a chuckle.

"How bad is your hand?" I asked.

"I'm not sure; I wasn't conscious when Will took care of it." He turned his hand over.

"I looked at it afterward, and it didn't seem bad. I didn't press hard either. I think it's hairline, but I'm not good at doctor stuff. I came down here to talk to Will; I'll tell him to talk to you," I said, my smile no longer forced.

I waved to Malcolm as I walked over to Nico and Will who had finished treating everyone for the time being. When I reached Nico, he poked my side. "Hero girl."

"Hero dude."

"So what are you doing here? I thought you'd be partying with Meg," Nico said with a laugh.

"Nah, we're going to do that tonight while you're trying to sleep. I heard something."

"What? You mean..." Nico trailed off.

"Yeah, yeah. Will, Malcolm's awake. What's up with his hand?" I asked.

"Follow me," he ordered and walked over to Malcolm. "Hey, Malcolm. You don't mind?" he asked, gesturing to Nico and me.

"No, how bad?" he asked.

"About as good as it can be. Your bone has just one tiny little crack in it. You're just going to have tape around your knuckles and an inch beneath for a week. That's just to prevent you from moving your hand too much."

"See, I'm nice," I claimed. Malcolm smiled at me, and I felt like what I did wasn't so bad. Man, I'd changed; old me wouldn't have had a second thought about breaking some egotistical guy's hand. Maybe having people care about you makes you care about others. Funny.

We went back to the Hades cabin, and I laid down on the couch. "So he said that tonight is the night. Midnight, to be exact. I'm supposed to go to his palace," I said casually while playing with a stress ball.

Will's joyful eyes were now serious. "You mean you're supposed to be at his palace at midnight? How?"

"He said I would arrive there. Magic, I guess."

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