Chapter 13: Pathetic

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Reiner put his hand around my waist and led me up to his room. Once we were inside, he said, "We can alternate sleeping on the bed and couch until we're married." That made me feel better. "That's a bathroom, right there," he said with a point and yawn. I went inside it and changed. I looked at myself in the mirror. Day one of hell, complete. Time for my first night.

Reiner was already out cold on the bed. I picked up a blanket from the floor and curled up on the couch with it. After a few minutes, Reiner started snoring softly. I closed my eyes and tried to fall asleep.

My eyes snapped open. I was sitting in the same chair I was interrogated in, but I was tied to it and somewhere else. I didn't recognize anything, but the air burned my lungs like poison. The ground looked strange. It was dark too. The Hades in me knew I was underground; I just didn't know how far under I was other than very.

A tall man in a trench coat and hat was walking towards me slowly. His hat was pulled low, and he kept his head down so I couldn't see his face.

I could hear my own heart racing and my own ragged breath as the man got closer and closer. He stopped a foot in front of me. He kneeled down, keeping his head down. When he finally showed me his face, I screamed a bloodcurdling cry that echoed around the impossibly wide chamber we were in.

My stepfather raised his hand and backhanded me. I felt something crack. My jaw was on fire. He had broken my jawbone to shut me up. "You killed me, you little faggot, piece of shit. Just because you beat me to it doesn't mean I can't give you hell." He stood back up and kicked me square in the chest. The chair tipped over backwards as the air in my lungs disappeared. He kicked my leg, and the force spun the chair so I faced him. He kicked me in the stomach. Then again. And again. And again. I pulled my knees up so he kicked my legs a few times before kicking my head. I heard him pull something out.


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck.


My right shoulder was ripped in half all over again.


My left shoulder.


An icepick was in my forehead. Thick, dark red liquid dripped down into my eyes.


My left leg.


My right leg.


My stomach.

I clenched my jaw harder. I couldn't take that much pain. The air still burned my lungs with every breath. I could feel and taste coppery blood running down the back of my throat. I couldn't scream anymore. I couldn't move, not even enough to blink. Everything around me started to blur. All the colors got duller. Was I experiencing death? I tried to take a breath, but I couldn't inhale or exhale. The last color drained away, and all light faded. Everything was black.

My eyes flew open and I wanted to scream. I went into a fetal position. I ran a hand over my right shoulder. There wasn't a fresh wound, just the old scar, but it stung. I finally managed to calm down a little and looked around me. It was still dark and eerily quiet. Reiner was still asleep on his bed, looking quite peaceful. I was so jealous of him. I rolled over and decided I wasn't going to sleep unless absolutely necessary.

I laid still for a few minutes, trying to collect my bearings. I pulled my necklace out from under my collar and spun Nico's ring around the leather cord. I decided now would be a good time to try to use the empathy link. I focused on Nico, Camp Half-Blood, and Will. I felt a rush of terror, worry, and hopelessness rush over me. I concentrated on the words, "I'm okay, just a bad nightmare." The feeling suddenly seized and was just as abruptly replaced with relief.

I heard Nico say, "Thank the gods." I sighed with relief; the empathy link worked, and Nico knew I was fine.

"Tell Lacy I'm okay, please. I don't know when I'll be able to Iris message."

"I will. Also, Will's here and freaking out."

"I figured. Well, here's what's happened so far..." I told them everything except just how creepy things with Reiner were. I didn't want to scare them.


After a while, Reiner woke up. When he saw me, he smiled. "Come here, beautiful."

I couldn't believe he called me beautiful. I was willing to bet I was a .1 at the moment. Plus, no one calls me beautiful. ...But he was still creepy. I sat down on the bed next to him. He held his arms out and gave me puppy dog eyes. I giggled and slipped into his arms.

I still hated being touched and didn't like him. He pulled me close to him like I was going to disappear. I knew that feeling. "You okay, hon?"

"Just some bad dreams," he whispered. I guessed they were probably PTSD-like. I empathized with him there.

"It's okay. It's all just nightmares."

"Yeah? The worst of it isn't," he muttered.

I put a hand to his face and rubbed his cheek with my thumb. "That doesn't mean any of it is for forever. Let's focus on the good in the meantime," I whispered.

Then, I got a response I didn't expect. He kissed me. I closed my eyes and just let him. Admittedly, it wasn't awful. It definitely wasn't good though.

When he separated, he sputtered, "You're just..."

I forced out a soft giggle and put my head on his chest. He pulled me closer and fell asleep. I fought to stay awake over the next few hours through my weariness. I had to force myself to go back to my old ways even though it hurt.

Later in the morning, I pretended to be asleep when he first woke up. He untangled himself from me gently and smoothed my hair. He kissed my forehead before going into the bathroom. I rolled to my back and spent a long time thinking. When Reiner came out, he sat down on the bed next to me. "Why don't you make yourself even more beautiful for the next two hours? I'll be back by then." He leaned down to me and kissed my forehead. Again, my instincts screamed at me in protest when I let him.

After two hours, he was back. As soon as I turned to him, his mouth dropped a little. "Damn, I did well." He put his arms around me and lifted me so my forehead touched his. "I love you."

I forced my eyes to stay on his as I replied, "I love you too." My heart felt heavy; I'd never told anyone I loved them in a romantic way. It hurt that the first time was a lie. I hated lying in general, but this one hurt. He kissed my nose gently and easily repositioned to a bridal carry.

He carried me out of the door and down a few hallways until we were in a kitchen. He set me down and turned to a woman. "Ms. Ta, this is Sina."

Ms. Ta examined me like I was something dead and rotting. Everything inside of me wanted to make her into something dead and rotting, but I had to abstain; appear prim and proper like a good girl. "This is what you choose for a wife? Pathetic!"

"She's good; I swear," Reiner said with his teeth clenched. I think his feelings toward the woman mirrored mine.

"Are you?" she demanded with a sneer.

"I try to be," I answered in a mock-shy voice.

"Try? I doubt that's enough, hon." My nails dug into my hand as I resisted the urge to beat the shit out of her. Reiner was nearly shaking with anger. He pulled me into a gentle hug despite it.

"Just try to be good," he whispered to me. He kissed my forehead quickly before he left. I almost wished to be alone with him instead of this woman.

"Well? What are you waiting for? Get scrubbing!" she snapped and pointed at a sink overflowing with disgusting dishes. I forced a submissive smile and started scrubbing.

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