Chapter 1 : First Impressions

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The beautiful blonde girl stood both nervously and excited in front of this daunting building, known as high school. To be more exact, Magnolia's top school, Fairy Tail.

She had been awaiting this day for so long, she had always dreamed of studying at this school, of course her name however, had bound her to a different fate. Her name was responsible for much misery, as well as being sent to some stuffy and uptight all-girls school for the rich and prestigious young ladies of Fiore, even the princess had supposedly attended that renowned school.

But that was not what Lucy had wanted, she wanted to be free to pursue her dreams, no mater how childish or silly they seemed. But since she carried the name "Heartfilia" She was forced to keep in line, she had enough. Enough of the neglect and the forceful words of dull encouragement about keeping up outward appearances.

Lucy truly loved her father, but that love had grown tiresome, especially after losing her mother. Lucy could not take it anymore and had chosen to live alone after making the choice to run away from home and support herself. She now stood proudly, after the rush of these reminding thoughts, she smiled to herself...After all Fairy Tail was the top school, additionally three of her childhood friends are attending this same high school. Even though she actually has not had any contact with them for years, she remained hopeful that they would remember her.

Lucy had been standing for over an hour in the principle's office. The joys of doing endless piles of paperwork and filling out forms. Lucy had entered this school through the honour student program, most of the reason being because of supporting herself, her part time job just barely covers her living expenses, she was doubtful about being able to afford school fees, uniforms and other unforeseen costs.

After completing her mountain of forms, the principle kindly smiled. Mr. Makarov, had a really good reputation, one that had preceded him. Lucy felt calm after his warm words of welcome and encouragement, he had also mentioned that the whole school had been buzzing about a new off-season transfer student arriving today.

Lucy was now feeling nervous, more nervous than before. Thinking about how to make a good first impression, she hadn't really been around other people, especially people her own age, considering she didn't really count the girls from her last school, they were all robotic and lifeless. She was faintly trembling with a nervous expression, she is now standing outside of the principles office when her homeroom teacher, a rugged man with slicked back orangey- chestnut brown hair and a constant smirk, but yet seemed professional enough arrived to guide her to her new classroom. As they walked on, she grew more anxious with each step. "You don't have to be so nervous" Her teacher said casually, interrupting her chaotic thoughts of scenarios and failed social engagements. "You're in the most lively and energetic class of the school, everyone is very welcoming, so much so, it's like a big family" her teacher said with a hearty chuckle.

Lucy had felt somewhat relieved but still had a pitfall in her stomach. As they inched closer to the room, it seemed incredibly noisy and rowdy, the teacher was not joking about them being lively Lucy thought to herself, before entering she did a very quick run through to make sure that her hair was fine and that there were no wardrobe malfunctions in the making. Feeling more assured, she was ready to meet her new classmates. She had entered after the teacher, and followed to stand up in the front ready to introduce herself.

"Yo Gildarts, you're late today" A pink haired guy shouted out from the back of the classroom.

At the mention of the name, the entire class went from its giant ruckus to an instantly quiet and proper classroom, Lucy got a chill down her spine now knowing not to ever upset her teacher.

"That's Gildarts-sensei to you Natsu." Retorted the teacher.

" Oh there's someone with you" said the young pink haired person now known to Lucy as Natsu.

"Everyone this is the new transfer student, Lucy Heartfilia" Gildarts-sensei announced.

Lucy started internally cursing that he had used her last name, her name had always ruined everything for her. Forcing a smile, she said "I'm Lucy, it's nice to meet you all" She had tried to use her most cheerful voice and brightest smile, hopefully that helps she thought.

"Well, Lucy-san you can sit in the empty seat there next to Natsu, also you can call me Gildarts-sensei, don't worry about the last name" He said and appointed a seat for her.

Lucy felt a weight lift off of her shoulders, she had entered the classroom with no incident, she has a friendly teacher, the class seemed somewhat warm, much warmer than her home and she introduced herself without embarrassing herself. She counted all of this as an achievement.

"Yo Lucy, so you're the new student? Welcome" Natsu said with a huge grin on his face.

"Oh, um...yes, thank you" Lucy said a little caught off guard, not expecting anyone to talk to her so soon. She was expecting some unfounded hardship and much dislike, but this is a good thing. Her heart felt a little lighter, especially after seeing that whole hearted smile on his face.

"You can call me Natsu, if you want I'll show you around the school at break"

"Thank you! That would be wonderful, um, you can call me Lucy"

Lucy smiled at the thought of a blossoming new friendship.

Her peaceful thoughts were very abruptly interrupted by some half naked guy with black hair wearing a necklace of some sort around his neck. He grabbed Natsu by the collar "Natsu, you hot headed bastard I'm going to pay you back for earlier"

"Shut up droopy eyes" Natsu retorted

"You wanna go!?" the mystery student had said.

"Grayyy" Natsu said almost making it sound like a growl.

Lucy sat frozen in her chair, surprised and worried at this scene unfolding in front of her. Everyone is just ignoring it, well... not really ignoring it, more like used to it. Natsu and Gray? Must have a lot of fights. Lucy thought to herself, but was quickly pulled back to reality when a sudden elbow to the face had literally hit her off the chair she was sitting in.

Natsu and Gray instantly stopped fighting to look at the fallen classmate. Lucy took a moment to fully comprehend why her face felt hot and why her head hurt. She looked down to see blood on her shirt and the very worried faces of her classmates, not fully realizing the situation yet, Lucy looked confused until she saw the shocked faces of Natsu and Gray. She finally realized the situation. During this brawl, Natsu had accidently hit Lucy in the face with his elbow, judging from the force of his elbow that punch might have sent Gray flying.

Without hesitation, Natsu dropped the entire fight and in one swift movement Lucy was being held like a princess, at least she could blame her redness from getting hit in the face. Natsu had excused himself from class and begun carrying Lucy to the nurses' office....

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