Chapter 8 : Danger of Dark Walkways

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Lucy had said goodbye to both Rogue and Sting, as she went on her way to work. She had changed her uniform then greeted Lahar-san and her co worker who she knows as Michelle-san. Lucy changed and went straight to work. The store had been relatively quiet, Lucy had done all of her homework, she thought and considered if she should read the letter here... She decided to wait until she got home.

The afternoon quickly faded and this was her first late shift, so she was a little bit nervous but nothing too serious. The doors opened and entered...Dan

Lucy's heart seemed to drop at the sight of him, he sprinted to the counter.

"Luuuuucccyyyy~" As he tried to grab her hand

Lucy was surprisingly quick and moved away from the counter so she was out of his reach.

Dan bought lots of sweets, some coffee and cigarettes, after collecting his change he left.

Lucy was relieved but also surprised that he left so easily.

The night continued dragged on, there was a few people and finally it was closing time. Lucy closed up the store and left just after midnight, some of the streetlights weren't working, but Lucy knew the way know so she didn't mind so much.

She walked as she carefully watched her step, when she quickly became aware of a presence behind her...Lucy froze, she wanted to run but she was scared, she decided to try and stay calm as she walked away, trying not alert the person that she knew they were there.

Lucy quickly entered her building and ran up the stairs to her apartment. On her door handle, there was a plastic bag... from the store she worked at.

She was confused and afraid, but took the bag inside with her anyways.

Upon setting down the bag, she opened it. To see the coffee and sweets that Dan had bought... along with a note.

- Thanks for always working hard LuLu-chan, can't wait for our date.

There was no doubt about it, Dan had to be the one following her, how did he even get into the building?

"How did he know which apartment was mine?" Lucy said softly to herself

That wasn't the only thing that concerned her, what did Dan mean by 'Our date?'

A flood of thoughts ravaged poor Lucy's mind. She needed to know why this was happening. Lucy needed to calm down, she decided to go for calming tea and a herbal bath. She stayed in the bath, soaking and thinking. Trying to work out what she should do, she sorted through her shifts again. She remembered she was working the morning shift and afternoon shift tomorrow.

Lucy quickly got dressed, washed her school and work uniforms and left them out to dry, she fell to her bed feeling exhausted. A lot more than usual, she also had to leave earlier tomorrow to open the store since she was the one that locked up. After setting her alarm clock she fell asleep quickly.

Meanwhile... Dan stood at the lamppost across the street when he saw his beloved Lucy's light go off.

"Goodnight LuLu-chan, sweet dreams" He said out loud as he walked down the road, fading into the night.

Lucy woke up, got ready and ran out the door, she had overslept and was going to be late unless she ran the whole way to work.

She ran, and arrived on the dot, as she hastily opened up the store and set everything up before Lahar-san arrived. She was now out of breath and tired from the sudden burst of doing everything in one go.

Lahar-san walked in and did a mini inspection to see her first 'closing and opening' of the store, he was thoroughly impressed with the result. He greeted Lucy and walked into the office.

The day dragged on quickly, a lot quicker than Lucy expected, Saturdays were really busy that's probably why she felt like it went so fast, half an hour before her shift ended, a familiar face walked in.

"Yo Lucy, I didn't know you worked here"

", I'm still new here so that's probably why"

"True" He said with his usual grin.

Natsu bought tons of snacks and some drinks, he sat outside the store to devour his vast amounts of junk food.

Lucy's shift had ended and she got ready to leave, after saying goodbye to everyone, she turned to leave.

As she walked out the store, Natsu was still outside eating his junk food. When Dan suddenly appeared.

Natsu was about to greet Lucy again, after seeing her come out of the store, when he noticed a change in her demeanour, she seemed very afraid...He looked to see the source of that fear was a man standing there, slowly approaching her. Lucy took a step back. When Natsu decided to interfere... He threw his arm around Lucy's shoulders and glared intensely at Dan.

"Do you have business with my girl?" Natsu said, sounding very audibly angry.

Dan stood still and shocked. "Your girl? LuLu-chan is mine" Dan barked back

Lucy stood trembling but feeling more secure when Natsu held her, she felt his grip on her shoulder tighten as they continued their staring contest.

"Come on, we're going home Lucy" Natsu said as he began walking away with Lucy

She remained silent just going along with Natu's plan.

It appeared to be the end of it, when Dan violently grabbed Lucy's arm and yanked her away from Natsu.

"Come LuLu-chan, it's time for our date" Dan stated as his face got extremely close to Lucy's

"Let go, I don't know anything about a date" Lucy said as she struggled against Dan's strength

"Come now, don't say you don't remember, you saw my note"

"Please let go, you're hurting me" As Lucy finished her sentence, Dan let go...instantly.

It happened so fast, but the next thing Dan was sent flying back.

Natsu stood there, his face twisted in rage... "Lucy said let go, on top of hurt her"

Natsu pulled Dan to his feet only to hit him again, this time harder than before.

"Don't you ever touch my girl again" Natsu growled through clenched teeth.

He grabbed Lucy's arm, tightly but gently, he began to walk with her. They eventually arrived in front of Lucy's apartment building, he walked Lucy to her door.

Lucy had invited him in, Natsu accepted, mostly to make sure that Dan didn't follow Lucy at all.

As they went in, Natsu was sitting on the couch as Lucy went to get something for them to drink, as she turned around...Natsu was standing right behind her, and he gently held the arm that Dan grabbed to see that it had bruised from where she was grabbed.

"I'm sorry Lucy" Natsu said solemnly, his usual infectious smile nowhere to be found.

"Thank you Natsu, you saved me" Lucy said smiling

"But you got hurt, I should've done something before he hurt you" He said, his voice shaking with a tinge of regret.

"Natsu, please don't apologize, you really did save me. It's not your fault, you aren't the one that hurt me, you saved me"

Natsu felt a bit more comforted by Lucy's words, still, he surprised himself when he got that angry... and he actually meant the 'my girl' part... well more like, it was unexpected and not part of an act...

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