Chapter 12 : Painful Memories

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Lucy had gone to class, running and making it in the nick of time from when the bell rang, she greets everyone quickly and sits in her seat, taking out her books.

She is busy concentrating when she hears some odd noise coming from next to her, she turns her head to see Natsu using his book as a cover while he indulges on an early lunch, Lucy giggles softly trying to keep her laughter down.

Natsu looks up at her and see's Lucy looking up at him, he smiles not knowing there's rice stuck to his cheeks. Lucy tried to keep from laughing when she opens her eyes to see Natsu offering her a bite of his tempura, making sure the teacher isn't looking. Lucy leans in and takes the bite. Covering her mouth as she chews.

Break comes soon and as usual Natsu is keeled over from hunger pangs, Lucy has gotten used to it, so much so, she packs an extra lunch for Natsu now. Calling Natsu over for lunch, he hurries over and sits with Lucy, they are soon joined by Gray, Levy and Gajeel. Who decided to come today.

Everyone sits, eating, sharing and just randomly talking when Capricorn also shows up, along with Aquarius and Cancer. They join Lucy's group as they discuss random things.

"Lucy-sama" Capricorn speaks

Everyone is a little caught off guard when they hear the honorific used for Lucy.

"Is Layla-sama well?" Capricorn asks, of course Cancer and Aquarius are also wanting to know.

Lucy's heart drops at the sound of her mothers name, she keeps a strained smile, which fades away... Softly, but audible enough to be heard by everyone...

"She....she died" Lucy says

Capricorn, Cancer and Aquarius are all stunned...

Lucy smiles again, and excuses her self. She makes sure to leave when everyone is talking, so her absence will go unnoticed.

Natsu is arguing with Gray and Gajeel, but for a moment Natsu glanced over and noticed Lucy leaving, catching a glimpse...of a sad expression.

Lucy had walked, avoiding everyone...She went down the stairs and outside, around the corner where there was no one she sat, pulling her knees to her chest and putting her head down, uncontrollably she began to cry. She could not stop herself from crying, the only thing she could do right now, is hide and cry quietly even though she wanted to scream.

She continued to cry, when a strangers voice, forced her to look up.

"I didn't think I'd find a princess hiding in the dark corner of school"

Lucy looked up at this unfamiliar person, he wore a smirk and an arrogant yet friendly look.

"I'm Loke and you are?" He asked, still keeping a contemptuous smirk on his face, at the lack of response from Lucy he adjusted his glasses

Lucy was is no state to talk to anyone, least of all a flirting playboy.

"Please...just leave me alone" Lucy asked with a weak voice

"Come now, don't be like that" Loke continued trying to get Lucy to entertain his insistent flirting.



A voice calls out continuously as it gets closer

Lucy reacts to the sound of her name being called

"Someone's looking for you Princess" Loke says as he adjusts his glasses once again

Kneeling down and kissing her hand, he takes his leave

"Goodbye...Lucy" He smirks as he emphasises her name.

Leaving, Loke passes Natsu, leaving an ominous passing comment.

"Watch out for your little lamb, prince...seems she's the target of more than one predator"

Natsu stops in his tracks, his feelings of jealousy swelling up in him, Natsu feels like he is about to hit Loke when he remembers Lucy...

'Lucy is more important' he thinks to himself.

As he turns around the corner, his eyes are met with Lucy... Bundled and crying, quietly....

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