Chapter 7 : Friday! Day Of Scares and Survival!

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Lucy had woken up, done her routine and was out the door. Not as early as the other day, as she got to the entrance of her apartment building, she got that familiar uneasy feeling, she looked around, not seeing anyone. She checked her post box, to find a letter, unmarked but it had her name on it, without thinking she had put it in her school bag and left.

Lucy was now feeling out of sorts and still on edge, she saw a figure move from the corner of her eye. She couldn't catch was it was, just that something was there. Lucy was feeling very anxious now, she was lost in her thoughts when a hand on her shoulder brought her back to reality.

Lucy practically jumped back from being startled, until she saw Stings familiar smirk and pale blonde hair.

"Morning Lucy, you okay? Didn't mean to scare you." Sting said

Lucy couldn't respond just yet, she was trying to calm herself down, unaware that she was faintly trembling.

"Lucy? Are you alright?" Sting said as he looked at her with genuine concern

She took a deep breath and smile "You really gave me a scare Sting-san" Lucy said trying her best to hide her shaking voice.

"Sorry sorry" Sting said with a less than serious look on his face

They laughed and went on their way, even though Lucy was actually still quite concerned about what she had been feeling since last night.

She kept dismissing it as baseless paranoia, or her mind playing tricks.

Along the way they met up with Rogue and made it too school, as they were walking in Lucy spotted Erza, she said her goodbyes to Sting and Rogue, then took off running to Erza.

As she caught up to Erza, she was greeted with that friendly and gentle smile.

"Good morning Lucy-chan"

"Good morning Erza-senpai, sorry for calling out to you so suddenly" Lucy said apologetically

"It's alright, what can I do for you, my cute kouhai?"

"Um, this is a bit random. But could you tell me about the good places to go shopping?"

Erza seemed to break out in the biggest smile as she explained in great detail the best places to buy clothing and cake, Erza seemed like an expert on this sort of thing.

Lucy made note of where, directions and store names. Erza-senpai even went a step further by adding the expected price ranges so that Lucy could budget.

The bell rang suddenly, forcing the conversation to close, Lucy thanked her senpai and took off for class.

Lucy made it to class, but she cut it close, way too close. She sat in her seat and exhaled.

"Mornin' Lucy!" Natsu said his usual self

"Good morning Natsu-san"

"Lucy, let me copy your homework?" Natsu asked, in a very direct yet polite way.

"Um, sure" Lucy agreed

"Me to" Gray said, interjecting so randomly that it gave Lucy a mild fright

"No way, I asked first popsicle" Natsu retorted to Gray's request

"What did you say firecracker?!" Gray said with obvious annoyance in his voice

"Um, you know... you both can copy, I don't mind" Lucy said, but over the two boys arguing, her voice came across as meek.

In the end, there was a violent proxy war over who got to copy homework first, and neither of them got an opportunity, before Gildarts-sensei came in and broke up the fight. Lucy got her homework back, without anyone copying it, as Lucy was putting her book away, she noticed the letter still left unopened in her bag, she thought it would be best to wait, until break or another lesson.

Lucy had been going through her lessons absentmindedly because of everything that has been happening, she almost didn't notice Ichiya-sensei sniffing her. ALMOST

She silently shrieked at being startled, noticing there was a different teaching assistant today. He was a very young looking man, almost could mistake him for a girl.

The lessons continued on, until lunch break. Lucy had decided to read the letter now, thinking it would be best to see what it was about so she could stop stressing.

Lucy had packed her books away, pulled out her lunch and the letter.

She was about to eat when she saw Natsu looking somewhat dejected.

"Natsu-san, what's wrong?" Lucy asked

"I'm so hungry and I forgot my lunch" Natsu states weakly as he lay slumped over his desk.

"Well, you can share mine if you want?" Lucy offered

The weak looking Natsu's head shot up, with sparkles in his eye and the happiest smile ever, Natsu grabbed Lucy's hand. "You're a goddess" He said in a very ecstatic tone.

"It's no problem" Lucy smiled nervously

Lucy moved her desk so that Natsu could sit on the other side.

They sat together and ate lunch, Natsu and Lucy sat and laughed about her first day and just spoke about favourite foods and stuff like that.

Lunch break ended so suddenly that Lucy didn't even get a chance to read the letter, it was a bit strange though, she seemed to forget about a lot of her worries when she was talking to Natsu.

The lessons dragged on, Lucy took her homework books and was ready to leave, as she left she met up with Sting and Rogue at the front gate.

Natsu stood silently at the classroom window, he could see Lucy, Sting and Rogue walking out together.

"If you frown any harder you're going to break your face" Gray said, interrupting the quiet atmosphere.

"Shut up snow cone" Natsu retorted sounding a lot more irritated than usual

Natsu just stood glaring, he had nothing against Sting or Rogue, however he heard that Lucy had been arriving and leaving with Sting and Rogue, mostly Sting though.

The thought made him clench his fist and grind his teeth.

He, himself could not place the source of his indescribable irritation. Why does it infuriate him so much, he has known her for three days and yet, she's so infectious that she keeps appearing in his thoughts and the thought of her with other guys, makes him angry, so angry.

Gray looked away and began to leave the classroom when the slightest breeze drifted past him and there was a sudden warmth at his side, he glanced down to see a darkish blue haired girl at his side.


"J-J-Juvia, what are you doing?"

"Juvia thought Gray-sama might be lonely walking out of school so Juvia came to keep you company"

Gray said nothing, he knew it wouldn't help to argue, he just walked out while Juvia held his arm.

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