Chapter 6 : Snacks, Stalkers and First Shift

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Lucy had greeted her manager, her fellow co worker and collected her uniform. She was ready and excited to start work, he manager had agreed to give her a shorter shift as she was training, which Lucy was thankful for. It meant that she could still buy some food for her house and get home earlier to do her homework.

Her co worker had shown Lucy everything, how to use the machines, explained procedures, what to say and when. The ins and outs of working in the store, luckily Lucy had picked it up quickly. She was familiarised and now ready to work her hardest.

Her co worker left, leaving Lucy and the manager in the store. Although the manager, or now known to Lucy, as Lahar-san was in the back office busy with something. Which was fine, despite being so new, Lucy had shown that she was reliable and able to work without strict supervision, Lucy actually found that a huge compliment.

Towards the end of her shift, a man had walked in. At first glance, he looked like your average salary man, although he was of very big stature and muscular. Along with unkempt reddish brown hair, he walked in seemingly tired and uninterested, he began to buy some snacks and cigarettes. He seemed completely normal...until he saw Lucy.

As Lucy was rounding up his things, he grabbed her wrist.

"What's your name?" The man asked, his grip tightening around Lucy's wrist

"Um...L-Lucy" She answered, obviously frightened at this mans suddenness

"Ah, Lucy~ A beautiful, beautiful name for a beautiful young lady!"

"Thank you?"

"I'm Dan! Go out with me?!" He shouted with too much intensity


"Call me Dan, LuLu-chan"

"Dan-san, please let go you're hurting me" Lucy said sounding a bit more frantic.

She wasn't even going to cross the 'LuLu-chan' bridge.

"Oh sorry!" Dan said as he instantly let go

"How could I, hurt the delicate arm of my lovely flower" Dan said overdramatically as he practically fell to the floor.

Lucy was definitely wary of this man...Dan. She rushed with great haste to scan his items, and give him his change. She then said her thank you's and goodbyes and ushered him out the door. She took a deep breath of relief and hoped not to see him for a very long while.

Lucy's shift had ended, she did some quick shopping for food and said goodbye to Lahar-san.

She was feeling wary that Dan was still in the general vicinity of that area, very stealthily Lucy had walked home at a quickened pace carrying her school bag and some grocery packets.

She felt instantly safer the moment she stepped foot into her apartment building, after walking up all the stairs she finally arrived at her floor. As she stood in the front of her door, she got a chill... the same chill she got when Ichiya-sensei sniffed her. She turned around, looking frantically for the source of her unease, and for a very brief moment...She saw the shadow of a man across the street.

Lucy opened her door and went in. She stood dead still for a moment, trying to calm her heart and catch her breath. She decided that it was her imagination. She packed away her groceries and made a quick dinner, along with a cup of tea. After relaxing and calming down, she had done her homework and decided on having a well deserved bubble bath. Lucy soaked and soaked, getting lost in her own world. This was her happy place.

After her bath Lucy had gotten dressed and decided to get everything ready. She packed her school bag, laid out her school and work uniform, set her alarm and did the dishes. Lucy had also decided to write a shopping list for when she got her first pay check, for the things she would need around the house, as well as extra clothes, especially for when winter came. As it stood she only had two casual outfits, both fitting attire for summer but sufferable for winter.

"I wonder where I can go shopping" Lucy thought to herself, she had considered asking Sting... But going shopping for all those things would be long, and besides she would feel a bit embarrassed if she had to buy clothes and underwear with him there.

Lucy considered asking Erza-senpai where she can go shopping, deciding that would be a better plan... not only that but at least she could take her time.

Lucy had decided that would be a good plan. Looking over her shift timetable she saw that she was working the afternoon and late shift tomorrow, she was fine with that, she'll just have to do her homework during her break, or at least if no one is in the store.

At least her school week is shorter than the norm, considering she started school on a Wednesday, one more day and then it's weekend. Lucy smiled and sighed. "Weekend already?" She thought to herself. What was she going to do on the weekend... Walk around? Work on her novel? Cook her meals for the week? Study?

Well Lucy supposed she'll do all of them.

She laid in bed and thought about everything, she isn't homesick, she's happy. She has friends and she's free to do what she wants. Lucy couldn't help but smile along with a yawn altering Lucy of her exhaustion... She peacefully drifted off to sleep.

Sting was still awake, doing his homework, he was busy and didn't get a chance to do it earlier, he sat with his homework in mind, along with thoughts of Lucy...

What kind of life did she have before coming here? Who is she really? Do I really know anything about Lucy?

After all the self questioning, Sting realized, that he knew nothing about Lucy. Not her family life, not her past, nothing of that sort at all.

He shook his head trying to clear his mind of Lucy and focus on his work, for the life of him, Sting could not understand why he was riddled with thoughts of Lucy.

"Damn it! I need to finish this!" Sting shouted in a war cry kind of way, his way of encouragement and determination to do torturous homework.

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