Chapter 3 : Meeting The Scarlet Empress

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Lucy had kindly thanked Poluchka-sensei for letting her stay, as well as the change of clothes and everything to clean herself up. Of course her face was still swollen but nothing could help that, as Lucy was making her way back to the classroom, taking something akin to a snail pace, she had walked into a wall.

"Ow..." Lucy said rubbing her face, only to discover she had not walking into a wall... But rather, a stack of books being carried by another student. As she lay sprawled on the floor, a hand had reached out to help her. "Are you alright?"

"Oh, uh, yes. Thank you, I'm sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" Lucy said as she bowed apologetically

"Let me help you!" Lucy said sounding a bit flustered, she had taken less than half the books and felt like her arms were about to snap off. As she looked up expecting to see some mucho man student behind the tower of books, she caught a glimpse of the most beautiful scarlet red hair.

Standing wide eyed and stunned... "Beautiful" she said looking at the girl before her.

"You must be the new transfer student, yes?" This mystery girl said interrupting Lucy's thoughts.

"Ah, yes! I'm Lucy" She said quickly

"Lucy... That's a nice name. I'm Erza, Erza Scarlet"

"It's nice to meet you Erza-san" Lucy said smiling

"You as well"

Erza seemed really friendly, but yet their conversation felt a bit boring. Not intentionally but just very mundane, Lucy had blamed herself for her lack of knowing what to talk about.

"Lucy, is your face alright, it seems swollen" Erza said looking straight into her face...A bit too close in fact.

"I'm fine, I just got hurt earlier because I was sitting too close to Natsu-san" Lucy said innocently

"Ohhh Natsu eh?" Erza said looking incredibly sinister, Lucy had gotten a chill down her spine, seeing this new doom and gloom atmosphere around Erza.

"Umm, It's alright, I'm really fine so-"

"No. They must not get away with hurting my cute kouhai" Erza said both with intent to kill and a sparkle in her eye when she said "My cute kouhai"

Lucy had blushed slightly at being called cute, especially since she instantly looked up to Erza-san, actually.... Erza-senpai.

"But, Erza-senpai... isn't Natsu also your kouhai?"

"Mm, yes. But it is a senpai's duty to guide her kouhai's on the journey to success and a bright future without causing trouble for others!" Erza-senpai gave her miniature speech with such conviction that had put her on a pedestal. One that commanded respect from her kouhai's.

"Erza-senpai is amazing" Lucy had thought while watching all of this.

"Don't worry Lucy, I'll take care of you"

They continued talking about various things, Lucy was truly happy that they could move past their first conversation and are now talking about topics, such as clubs and classes, upcoming social events and festivals. Everything was making Lucy really excited to experience all of these things.

They had been walking, Erza-senpai had been explaining things about the school to her as they walked along, eventually stopping at the teachers office to drop off all of the books they had been carrying.

"Erza-senpai you're really strong to be carrying all of that by yourself" Lucy said as she was working the ache out of her shaking arms

"I'm used to it" Erza-senpai says smiling. "It's just a matter of building up your strength"

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