Chapter 9 : Hidden Jealousy

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Natsu and Lucy stood in an awkward silence, neither of them knowing what to say. Until finally, Natsu thought it would be best that he leave, as to not further the awkwardness between them. Lucy felt just a little sad that he had decided to leave so abruptly but she did not wish to be a nuisance either.

Sting was walking, he had looked up at Lucy's building, somehow he could not wait until Monday so they could walk together again, even though before it was just an offer of assured safety, he had grown so accustomed to it and in fact, came to truly appreciate the time he spent with Lucy.

For an extended moment he stopped and just stared at her building. Suddenly, he noticed the door was opening and out came the girl in question...But she wasn't alone, Natsu shortly followed after her. Seeing his, Sting could not help but frown at the sight before him...he asked himself many questions, most predominately...

"Why is he there?"

"What is his relationship with Lucy?"

"Why are they alone?"

He shook his head trying to wave away the thoughts that continued drifting and annoying his mind. He stared, his gaze piercing Natsu with questions along with evident jealousy.

Natsu looked down to find Sting glaring his direction, he had somehow surmised that him being with Lucy was the cause, although it could be the obvious jealousy and emotions he displayed so openly earlier, again he brushed aside the thought believing himself to be jealous over nothing.

Both Sting and Natsu conclude its nothing, even though a sense of unease plagues the both of them.

Natsu adverted his gaze as he continued following Lucy, Sting turned his head begrudgingly and continued his irritated march to Rogue. Walking along the road until he met Rogue at the usual place, seeing his very blatant irritation... Rogue cautiously inquired about his less than ideal state.

Sting however, seemed reluctant to discuss it. Sensing this, Rogue knew to tread lightly but his friend was not one to be put into such a foul state so easily, curiosity had won this inner debate and so...he pressed the issue further.

"What has you so angry?" he asked once again in a low voice, almost to signify his position on treading lightly.

"It's nothing" Sting replied curtly

However, being friends for such a long time...Rogue could tell he was lying and Sting knew this as well...

"Natsu Dragneel" Sting said with irritation

"Natsu? What about him, did you get into a fight?" Rogue said unable to hide the slight surprise in his voice.

"I saw him leaving Lucy's place"

"So you're curious about their relationship?" Rogue probed the obvious question

"Yeah, I guess." Sting replied, his voice slightly calmer now than before.

"I doubt they are together, if anything they are probably friends." Rogue said trying to encourage Sting to move past the idea of them being together.

Sting had seemed to respond well to Rogue subtle words and hidden agendas, succeeding in temporarily giving his a sense of calm. His sanity was somewhat restored, his dear friend seemed to understand him so well that he could always count on him to cheer him up and calm him down, even though he sighed at his own actions.

The day passed quickly, without anymore incident, everyone just continued their lives.

The sun quickly rose on a new day, this still being the beloved weekend. Sting opened his eyes and grumbled, he had intended to sleep in late but his body seemed like it would not allow it.

He dragged himself out of bed and lazily stepped his way to his fridge, current status: Empty.

Feeling overwhelmed by not enough sleep, irritation and now hunger he hastily got dressed in whatever lay around him and decided to make a quick stop at the store for breakfast.

Quick stepping his way out the door, he decided to double this up as his morning jog. Sting started off with an energetic spring propelling him into his natural rhythm and began his descent. Along his way, he spotted a familiar silhouette.

Sting came to a sudden halt.

"Good morning Sting" Lucy said with her bright smile

"Good morning Lucy" Sting replied, sounding a bit more happy than his original mood from this morning.

"Where you off to so early?" Sting asked

"Going to work" she replied

"Can I walk you? I'm headed there right now" Sting asked, somehow thinking this was a great stroke of luck.

"Of course" Lucy replied happily

Together they walked, making random conversation as they went along. Soon they arrived at their destination and goodbyes until tomorrow were approaching at an alarming rate. As they began to get close to the entrance Sting could see someone, someone he did not want to see... His good morning was shattered by his own thoughts and assumptions.

Sitting on the pavement, was Natsu.

Sting said his goodbyes to Lucy as she quickly greeted Natsu and hopped inside away from their view...

Sting looked intently at Natsu, trying to figure out what to say...

"What are you doing here?" Was the only words Sting could muster.

"Checking up on Lucy" Natsu replied almost as if that were the question he were expecting.

Sting and Natsu continued staring each other down.

"Why are you checking up on her? She's fine" Sting asked

"No she's not... since you think that, you must not know"

"Know what?" Sting asked tensing up at Natsu's statement.

"Lucy was attacked yesterday...By a stalker" Natsu said, his irritation at the thoughts of yesterdays events caused him to clench his fist.

Sting noticed the sudden change, both in Natsu and the atmosphere.

"What do you mean she was attacked!?" Sting barked, feeling irritated at not knowing.

Natsu proceeded to explain yesterdays events to Sting...Sting could only stay quiet, downcast his gaze, clench his fist and teeth... along with regretting not being there for her...

"Thank you...Natsu" Sting said solemnly as he turned to walk away...

Walking away as he hated his inability to have protected her, he continued his way back home to gather his thoughts and quell his rage.

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