Chapter 17: Gray and Juvia

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Juvia was in a different middle school to a certain boy, although she had caught the occasional glance of Gray, when their paths crossed whilst walking home or to the station; Gray-sama as she used to call him. Sometimes she would walk behind him all the way home just to make sure he got home safely. Although his middle school was known for it's troublesome students and had a reputation for being a delinquent school. But even so Juvia never let that deter her away from Gray. She was honestly head over heels and nothing could change that fact.

One day, as Juvia was busy with her usual routine of following her beloved at a safe and undetectable distance, until she noticed a few other students from Gray's school following him, eventually learning they were going to the same place. Still following Gray, she noticed he had diverged from his usual pathway and had taken a street that led to a quiet and almost hidden park.

Seemingly as she approached closer and closer she felt such hostility seeming to radiate from this location. As they approached she noticed various figures standing there, instantly recognising the rival school...a school in essence very similar to Gray-sama's, with a mass of delinquents' from the prefecture and a nasty reputation to rival. There had been many talks amongst the teachers and adults around town about the recent fights that had been taking place between the schools.

Juvia had stayed hidden between a shrub and tree, one that provided visibility to the entire fight. Although worried she was ready to jump in to protect her precious Gray.

Finally the battle had been set as Gray stepped up and seemed to stare down the opposing leader for trespassing and other various things that didn't sit well with him.

The fight had started with a mutual first punch from either side, suddenly everyone jumped in and gave it their all. Punches were thrown, various flying kicks and the sounds of pipes and bats colliding arose in the small park; in the mad flurry of fighting Juvia had kept her eyes on Gray but still struggling with poor visibility of everyone moving in her line of sight.

She had eventually decided to try to move in a place with better visibility...only until she was grabbed harshly by a stranger.

"Hey boss!! I think this girl is part of Gray's squad" The goon laughed while tightening his grip and hurting Juvia

"Let me go!" Juvia cried as she struggled against his iron grip.

Feeling frightened and trying to somehow escape Juvia shut her eyes tightly for a brief moment, suddenly she felt something rush past her as she was freed from the painful hold and she had landed into a comforting warmth. Opening her eyes, Juvia saw Gray, grimacing at the opposing side of people who had hurt her. Feeling calm compared to her fearful state she was cradled with a gentleness and warmth.

Seeming to make sure the blue haired girl was alright, Gray had glanced down only to meet her gaze and notice the rosy tint shade that crawled onto her cheeks.

Juvia felt her heart beating at an unbelievable pace, thumping and thumping and thumping violently in her chest....

Juvia stood nervously and feeling intimidated as she looked up at the big Fairy Tail sign, hesitating to take her first step and doubting if she belonged her or deserved to be in Fairy Tail.

"You going in or not?" An intruding voice gave Juvia a slight surprise

As she turned her head, she was met with a familiar that she held dear. It was Gray. Although he had grown and matured since she last saw him.

 "I-I'm not sure if I belong here" Juvia said softly and nervously, looking down towards the ground.

Feeling a gentle but leading tug, she noticed her arm was being held by Gray's strong hand as he walked her into the school. This had only deepened her feelings for him, Gray had always been kind to her and for that she was truly grateful...

A few months had passed and Juvia took all of her courage and decided to confess her feelings to Gray.

Gray was a popular guy and confessed to quite often, though he rejected every girl.

However, he never rejected Juvia, although some may say he was slightly cruel to leave her with no answer, Juvia truly believed that he liked her.

And since that day, she was generally with him everyday at school, waiting for the day he would reciprocate her feelings honestly.

Hello peoples!! Sorry about the short chapter, trying to update all my ongoing series before this coming week since I'm going to be crazy busy. Phew, been dying with the heat because summer heat snuck up and punched my internal thermometer. But still writing, hopefully I can write a surplus of chapters before next year since its going to be crazy, have all my events and cosplays along with first year college student (Blep to adulting >.<)

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