Chapter 10: Furry Jellybeans and New Faces

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Lucy stretches her arms into the air and checks the time once again, the end of the day has already come so fast she thinks to herself. Peeking outside she can see the night sky...

"Where has the day gone..." She says to herself softly

The day was over so fast she has no idea how the time flew so quickly, she must really have been involved with work.

She says goodbye to everyone, as she grabs her bag and gets ready to leave. Cautiously looking outside and around, she deems it safe but still stays alert...Considering recent events, she has been on guard ever since that incident, which is not entirely a bad thing, she sighs her relief and begins walking home.

She's walking; listening to the quiet city sounds as she makes her way home, feeling mildly exhausted from the day that disappeared so quickly it left her head spinning.

She walks and hears something unusual, she stops and strains her ears again...Listening for that sound, hearing it once again, she walks in it's direction.

Intrigued by tiny cries, she walks across the street to see a box.

A small box, with an old blanket thrown over, she lifts the blanket and peers into the box...

To her surprise there are...Kittens.

Five of them to be precise, she looks at the tiny mewling kittens and feels the cold breeze drift across her skin.

Her heart gives in, she is not able to keep them, but rather until they are adopted they can stay with her. Lucy smiled and said in a gentle tone "Don't worry, I'll take care of you guys and find you good homes"

She picks up the box and continues walking home, carrying the box carefully not to sway or unsettle the kittens too much.

Lucy finally arrived home, opening the door and entering. Feeling a lot warmer than the chilly weather outside, she sets the box down on her bed.

Lucy went to the kitchen, taking out a pot and a bowl, she began heating some milk to a lukewarm temperature, she transfers the contents of the pot into the shallow bowl and sets it down, following this she gently picks up each kitten; placing them by the bowl.

Lucy was happy to see the kittens lapping the milk whole heartedly with happy purrs and cute mewls in between each lap, she begins to build a comfy makeshift bed, using one of her pillows and a blanket. She decides since it's cold, she'll fix them a warm beanbag, heating it up she places it beneath the blanket creating a cosy and warm bed.

Exhaustion sets in quickly as Lucy rushes through the rest of the things she has to do, she creates a makeshift bathroom for the kittens, making sure to show them where it is. She sets out her uniform for school and packs her bag along with her lunch. Smiling at her efforts, she resigns herself to her sleepiness.

Her deep sleep and sweet dreams are infiltrated by the unpleasant sound of her alarm. Waking up and rubbing her eyes, Lucy peers over to see the kittens huddled together on the bed, sleeping peacefully. She climbs out of bed, making it and getting ready for the day.

Repeating last nights feat of warm milk, Lucy apologises sincerely to the kittens that she doesn't have anything else to give them just yet. Along with the promise of proper food, she says goodbye and leaves.

Sting walks at a leisurely pace since he arrived a bit early, he sees an excited Lucy skipping out her building with a smile brighter than usual. He looks and wonders if something happened, but somehow feels happy that she can smile like that considering everything that happened recently.

"Good morning Lucy, you look extra happy today" Sting states with a smile of his own

"Good morning Sting, yeah I slept really good and I'm so relieved that the kittens settled with no problems"

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