Chapter 5 : The Second Day Begins

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Lucy had woken up abruptly from her peaceful sleep by the sound of a screeching alarm clock. She lazily hit the snooze button, but after the seventh time she hit snooze the alarm clock was adamant to make her get up, of course she had to get up...Or else she was going to be late.

In actual fact Lucy had set her alarm a lot earlier than her usual waking time, she wanted to go for a stroll around the neighbourhood or at least be able to meander around, before walking to school. But more importantly Lucy had wanted to go to her workplace, see where it is and what it's like, as well as buy something for lunch and breakfast while she is at it. She grimaced at the thought that there was absolutely no food in her home.

Reluctantly Lucy climbed out of bed and went straight into her bath. Lucy oh so loved her baths. After getting ready for the day, checking her uniform and hair, packing her books and making sure her necessary items were in her bag, including Natsu's shirt. She had set out making sure her new home was safe and secure, upon leaving the building she had seen a familiar person standing at the bottom of the apartment buildings entrance...

"Sting-san?" Lucy tilted her head slightly

"Hey" Sting said as he put his hand on his head and averted his gaze from Lucy.

"Um... Thank you again for yesterday" Lucy said smiling

"It's no problem, uh I thought, it would be best if I walked you to and from school until you're used to the area" Sting said with a slight blush on his face

"Really? Thank you!" Lucy said overjoyed

"No problem, but you look like you were going to stop somewhere before school."

"Yeah, I was looking for the convenience store around here"

"I'll take you, it's close by so we won't be late"

Lucy had followed close by to Sting as he walked with a quickened pace to the convenience store. They soon arrived and Lucy had gone in, making notes about the directions the whole way so she would be able to find her way around to school, home and work at least. As she entered Lucy quickly went to greet the manager and collect her shift timetable, as well as buy something for lunch and breakfast.

Sting was still waiting outside for Lucy, he stared at the sky, then the road and finally he glanced at his watch to check that they would not be late, surprisingly enough, they could still take a slow walk and still arrive before the bell. Lucy came out the convenience store, as she had gotten to Sting, she dug in her bag and pulled out a can of warmed coffee and some Choco Pocky, which she had given to Sting.

"I know it's not much, but it's a little thank you for everything" Lucy stated with a bashful smile.

"Thank you" Sting said with a smile on his face, for him the gesture was more than enough.

As they walked on Lucy had opened her pack of Pocky, she became lost in thought.

She thought back to how much she loved pocky and how she was never allowed to eat it, being the daughter of the Heartfilia family meant living in the gourmet world. "Cheap" candy and the likes were not allowed. Pocky was one of the few things she discovered after running away from home.

Sting and Lucy continued their slow stroll to school, on the way Sting was explaining alternative routes to the one Lucy had originally taken.

"By the way... Your 'Lucy Kick' was something else" Sting said with a smirk, a smirk that was on the verge of laughter.

Lucy instantly blushed feeling somewhat embarrassed that he had seen that.

"Uh... that was-" Lucy couldn't finish her sentence, how else could she explain it.

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