Chapter 11 : A Journey to Find Old Friends

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Lucy had been sitting in a still silence, now that the hustle and bustle of everyone is gone, along with no more cute mewls and the company of the kittens, she decides to read a book.

Reaching over to her desolate bookshelf, of which there are only three books filling the given space, she pulls out a random one.

As she pages through, assuming there is a bookmark due to the gap in between pages, she stumbles upon some photos...

One of them being one of her and her childhood friends.

Her smiling face as she stands next to them, she can remember this day so clearly...She smiles sadly at the nostalgic memory and feels the determination to find them at school.

Lucy wonders how she will find them, she decides it's probably best to speak to the people she knows as well as some of the other students, which in all honesty, does make her nervous. But Lucy wanted to see her friends, more than anything...

Sting had been sitting, swishing a cat's tail in front of Lector who had been in such an energetic and playful mood. With every swish, Sting was laughing at Lector's desperate and violent swipes. He had been thinking of a lot of things, but one thing that consistently crossed his mind, was of course... Lucy.

The constant thought left him unbelievably frustrated.

Too the point... he was impatient for their morning walks and conversations.

Sighing, resigning himself to this irritating fate, he had said goodnight to Lector and rolled over from his sitting position into a comfortable position and drifted off quickly to sleep.

The next morning, as per everyday. Sting was outside, waiting for Lucy.

Soon, came the beautiful girl that constantly drove his thoughts to insanity.

"Good morning Sting!" Lucy said, her tone laced with a hidden determination of things she's plotted for today.

"Good morning Lucy" Sting said with a gentle smile, his voice and demeanour seemed calmer than how he initially felt this morning.

After their greetings they began their walk and met up with Rogue, who instead of waiting at his usual spot, had actually walked down to meet them.

They continued, talking a slower walk than usual due to the fact they were actually quite early, Lucy began to ask questions, which could relate to finding her friends. But first; she had to confirm they were actually in Fairy Tail.

"Sting, Rogue... do you know anyone in the school by the name of Cancer, Capricorn or Aquarius?" Lucy asked

Sting and Rogue stopped in their tracks... and looked back at the random question...

"Yeah...they are all third years on the student council" Rogue speaks up

"Do you need something from the student council?" Sting inquires

"Not that I necessarily need anything... I just want to see them again" Lucy says with a nostalgic smile

Rogue and Sting look at her with slight confusion.

"Lucy-san, how do you know them, if you're a new student?"

"They are old friends of mine" Lucy replies

Sting and Rogue were surprised by her answer, but even more so that she is speaking of her past and something personal...she often avoided the topic.

They arrived at school, saying goodbye along with a 'see you later' Lucy took off to gather more information about her old friends.

Arriving at school, she was in luck! Erza-senpai was standing talking to Levy.

"Good morning Levy-chan, Erza-senpai" Lucy greets cheerfully

"Oh good morning Lucy" Erza-senpai says

"Good morning Lu-chan!" Levy replies as she hugs Lucy

"Erza-senpai, can I ask you a question?" Lucy asks politely

"Of course! Anything your senpai can do to help her cute kouhai" Erza replies with a smile and sparkle

"Do you know which classes Cancer, Aquarius and Capricorn are in?"

Erza takes a moment to think

"Yes!! I remember now. Capricorn is in my class, Aquarius is in 3-D and Cancer is in 3-C" Erza states happily

Lucy smiles, now knowing exactly where her friends are. She thanks Erza as she takes off running.

Lucy arrives at Erza-senpai's classroom, 3-A. She peaks timidly inside as she enters with caution of entering a higher grade classroom, she looks around to see students staring at her when suddenly a surprised yet composed voice speaks.


Lucy turns her head towards the voice, she sees Capricorn, grown and healthy.

She smiles

"Capricorn!" Lucy exclaims

"Lucy-sama" Capricorn says again, this time with certainty, he kneels down and kisses her down.

Feeling very embarrassed by the whole class watching this unfolding, Lucy asks if they may speak privately at break, Capricorn smiles and sends her off with a smile.

Walking to the next class she intends to visit, Lucy makes her way to classroom 3-C, repeating the same thing, as she peaks her head in, she sees Cancer surrounded by a few other students. Another student came to the door, to inquire if Lucy was looking for someone, telling this student she is looking for Cancer, the student calls him over.

Cancer spots Lucy and runs over "Lucy-ebi" He says as he hugs her

"Cancer, it's been so long. You're looking good!" Lucy replies happily

Cancer pulls away from the hug and runs his hand over Lucy's ponytail

"Let me do your hair again sometime-ebi" Cancer asks

"Of course" Lucy smiles back and agrees, saying another goodbye as she sets off for the next class.

Standing outside of 3-D, this is honestly the one that Lucy was most nervous for. She looks into the classroom, which is mostly desolate except for a few students and in the corner...There sits, Aquarius. Grimacing and grumbling about something with a frown on her face.

Lucy walks in "Aquarius!"

Aquarius lifts her eyes and sees Lucy, getting irritated she stands up and initiates some sort of head hitting " You stupid girl! What do you think you're doing calling me like I'm your friend or something!?" Aquarius begins her onslaught of insult

"I'm sorry" Lucy whines

"I just wanted to see you..." Lucy says softly with a pout as she looks away from Aquarius

"Talk to me when you've got a boyfriend!" Aquarius says out of the blue and shoos Lucy out of the classroom

As she shoves Lucy out, Aquarius looks away and begrudgingly says...

"It's good to see you again" As she closes the door

Lucy smiles... "It's good to see you too"

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