Chapter 15 : A Grand Plan Comes To Fruition

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Lucy had left all the planning to Erza after agreeing to her suggestion a few days ago. Hopefully she didn't plan anything too crazy, but today at least she was able to give Lucy a date for the girls day out. With this, Lucy was able to take off from work and plan her shopping list with all of her wants and needs. Two school uniforms and two summer outfits will not do, she unfortunately needed more necessities and such for her new life.

(~Time skip brought to you by Happy~)

The day has finally arrived and Lucy would be lying if she said she wasn't excited. She had been following the instructions and directions that Erza-senpai had dutifully wrote out for her in extreme detail, accompanied by some very...interesting drawings.

She surprisingly had no trouble finding the station and the train she needed to take; Lucy had arrived quite early and took a slow stroll whilst looking around at everything, she finally arrived at the meeting spot to see two familiar faces and a third one she was sure she had seen before, glancing up at the giant clock in the centre of the shopping arcade she noticed the time and realized the girls were all a few minutes early.

"Good morning everyone, sorry I wasn't late was I?" Lucy greeted the group with a slight hint of worry in her voice.

"Good morning Lu-chan" Levy was the first to stand up and greet Lucy with a warm hug

As Erza greeted her with an energetic pat on the back, Lucy felt a bit more unsettled by the other girl death glaring daggers at her, emitting a deathly aura and repeating the words "Love rival" as if they were a mantra.

Somehow she eventually learned that the blue haired girls' name was Juvia, she was a junior and madly in love with Gray to the point of obsession.

The group had assembled, greeted, had some friendly chatter and banter and were now making their way to the new cake shop that Erza had been so excited about visiting.

They arrive to see the shop scarce, since its new not a lot of people know about it, and even so there's a wonderful cake buffet to celebrate their opening. So many cakes were on display everything from salted caramel Victorian sponge to carrot cake and even a rum and chocolate cake. There were so many gorgeous things to choose from; the girls used all of their self control to keep themselves from squealing in excitement.

"Oh, good morning everyone" a gentle voice rings out and greets all of the girls

The voice belonged to the owner of the shop and the waitress who was minding the floor.

"Mirajane, it's so good to see you" Erza says warmly to the white haired woman

Mirajane makes introductions with Lucy and Juvia and shows the group to a corner booth along with bringing beverages, coffee for Erza, chai-latte for Levy, vanilla milkshake for Lucy and an orange juice for Juvia, they take rounds getting different kinds of cakes and trying them out, they were in no rush so they decided to have an in-depth conversation which somehow fell onto the topics of love lives.

"Levy is with Gajeel" Erza explains as she continues the explanation further, elaborating that Gray was the target of Juvia's undying love and infatuation, at the mention of Grays name though, Juvia seemed on guard to all of the girls around her.

Levy piped up "And Erza has a boyfriend, Mr. Mystery ~ aka Jellal-senpai"

Lucy listened to their stories with earnest, not saying much because she had yet to experience a love of her own.

At one point they began trading stories on how they met.

I write stuff after my stories now >.< I hope this chapter was alright, to be honest I've been stressing a little since I've been suffering writers block and also been so busy, I also accidently entered a competition for INKTOBER which I decided to see through to the end. Also allow me to apologize for taking so long to get this chapter out.

PS. Happy Halloween! To everyone who enjoys a little spoopiness and candy, may you have an eventful day (Feel free to share what you dressed up as!)

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