Chapter 4 : Gangs, Saviours and Home

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Natsu and Gray had been fighting throughout the entire lesson, causing quite a ruckus, but every other student just carried on as if they weren't there. "I suppose being so used to multiple fights a day would do that." Lucy thought to herself. The lessons continued and luckily there were no more fights for the rest of the day.

The school day had ended, some students were leaving and others were getting ready for their clubs. Of course Lucy wanted to take Erza-senpai's advice and choose a club, but today she couldn't, in fact could she choose a club? She did have her part time job. She was going to her new apartment. Although still not knowing her way around Magnolia she needed a map, she decided to ask one of the teachers for directions to both her new workplace and her apartment.

Lucy had remembered the way she took with Erza and started to retrace her steps -arriving outside of the teachers office, after knocking she found Gildarts-sensei, hopefully he will know the way. Lucy had entered and approached Gildarts-sensei, he was more than happy to help, he had written her directions to her apartment using the school as a guide point and directions to her workplace using her apartment as the guide point. Lucy thanked Gildarts-sensei and was ready to leave.

Lucy read over the directions that Gildarts-sensei had made for her, his directions were very precise and easy to understand, he also seemed to use more landmarks and general markers instead of street names which made it a lot easier for Lucy. She was walking step by step by his guidelines and she had arrived about halfway there when suddenly she was grabbed.

"We caught a fairy" A strangers voice stated...

"What? Let me go!" Lucy demanded, trying to break free from the iron grasp

Suddenly more people appeared... the badge on their shirts... "Raven Tail"

Lucy had heard about Raven Tail, that it was apparently the polar opposite of Fairy Tail... And the schools had a long hatred of one another, but Raven Tail expressed their hatred violently against Fairy Tail students.

Lucy began trembling...trying to think of how she could get out of this situation, she didn't really know anything about fighting... she could only do... her last resort. Lucy slipped out of the strangers grasp surprisingly enough. As she turned, she used her secret move.

"Lucy kick!" She shouted as she deftly kicked the stranger in the face, sending him stumbling back a bit.

Not knowing that she had dropped her map at the start of this whole scuffle.

Lucy was afraid but looking for an opportunity to escape, eight more students surrounded her.

"What to do, what to do..." She said softly while glancing around frantically.

Suddenly one of the Raven Tail students went flying past her, she stood still and stunned. Behind the group she saw a young man with fair blonde hair...wearing a Fairy Tail uniform...

"Oh no...he'll get caught up in this too" Lucy though to herself.

"Who are you!?" yelled one of the students...

"Me? I'm Sting... Sting Eucliffe" The young man said confidently.

"St-Sting? As in... Sting, one of the twin dragons!??" Another student yelled.

"Oh, so you know me then?" He said with a smirk

As though they had seen some sort of monster, the Raven Tail students took off running without so much as a word of apology or complaint.

Lucy sat trembling on the floor and feeling relieved, she looked up to see a hand, a hand offering to help her up. Behind the kind gesture was Sting.

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