Chapter 18: Erza and Jellal

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There had been a few stories floating around, more often than not they were made up. But as a child, Erza was considered to be a truly troublesome girl and very mischievous, above all she was labelled a problem child. Unable to cope anymore, the adults around her had decided it was time that she got sent to "Tower OF Heaven"

It may sound grand and even exquisite but Tower Of Heaven, simply put was a reform camp for children.

The camp had many success stories, children went back home well behaved apparently, but the methods used were nothing short of horrific cruelty. They would exploit the children for free labour in the guise of 'teaching them lessons such as discipline and self respect' it was the kind of story the camp would spin to justify and appease the parents' curiosity. Another thing that was not mentioned was the firm belief in corporal punishment.

Corporal punishment, would be understandable, if it were used to punish. Instead, it was another excuse used by the camp to mercilessly abuse the children that were sent there.

It was not uncommon for a random child to disappear for a day or two and come back in a deadened and gravely injured state by the hands of the counsellors. And knowing this, somehow...Erza had become a favourite of the counsellors, favourite to hurt that is.

One day, the counsellors came into the dorm, searching for the cowering red head girl that had attempted to hide herself between the bed and the wall, she cried and trembled violently from the fear she was facing at being taken to the punishment room again. As one of the counsellors came in and grabbed Erza, a flash and glimpse of something blue in the silhouette of a boy had flown past, effectively pushing the counsellor over and grabbing the fragile arm of Erza, dragging her along; a voice encouraged her to run with him and not look back.

As they stopped somewhere between the back of the dorms and the forest, Erza had full view of who had just saved her.

A unique looking boy with lovely blue hair and a red birthmark on his face, he checked and glanced around staying vigilant for any sight of the counsellor he had knocked over, there was no sound but the faint breeze rustling the leaves of the forest and their own exhausted and heavy panting from their sprint.

The boy had smiled gently and extended his hand out to Erza, introducing himself as Jellal. Erza had reciprocated by telling him her name as well.

Back then, Erza was a very fearful child who was scared of her own shadow. She was often sad and scared and could not help but show it, but after meeting Jellal that seemed to change drastically. Jellal would make her laugh, smile and always comfort her from anything that she would find frightening. He stood up for her various times, even against the counsellors, which was something a child would dare not do here at Tower Of Heaven. However, once he had explained that having someone to protect made him feel much braver and stronger than him trying to defend himself.

Things continued to go well for Erza and Jellal and in fact, they had even made other friends within the camp. But the situation in the camp itself, had only gotten more grave, seeming to be unable to put with the treachery and tyranny any longer, Erza had simply proposed an idea in the form of a passing thought.

"Why don't we escape?"

Everyone was quick to agree to the scarlet haired girls' idea, of course they had all been thinking it, but were too afraid to say anything about it.

They spent a few days planning, studying and refining their idea to break out and escape home. However, somehow the plan was discovered and it failed. The children had gotten caught and the counsellor suspected it was Erza who had suggested the plan, although they were all going to be punished, Erza alone would bear the brunt of it. Erza was ready and willing to accept this fate, after all it was her idea and she would not allow another to suffer in place of her mistake. That was the plan anyway...

"No! It was me who planned it!" Jellal had spoken up and stood between the counsellors and the group of frightened children, without even giving a second glance, the counsellors harshly grabbed Jellal and began taking him away, Erza cried and shouted, protesting to be heard.

"It was my fault! It was my plan!" She screamed over and over again, feeling hurt that Jellal would suffer for her mistake.

A few days had passed, Jellal had not returned, though his screams could be heard throughout the dorms, almost to punish the children even further, they broadcast Jellals' screams so everyone could hear, as they made an example out of him. Erza could not bear it anymore, it was too painful.

She had waited for an opportunity and despite everything, even the risk of her suffering even more, she did not care. She would save him! Because so many times he had saved her, and that was something she promised herself. "I will protect him"

Breaking in, as soon as the counsellor's had left, she snuck in and walked across the matted floor, until she saw Jellal, hanging weakly from where he was tied by the counsellors. His body littered in bruises and stained in blood, coated by a layer of sweat. His breathing was hard and heavy, his head hanging weakly. Erza trembled and shook, as she saw this awful sight before her... She ran across the room, gently and tenderly she let him down, holding his battered body in her warm arms. She began to cry and weep uncontrollably, whispering her apologies sincerely to the injured boy.

Looking around, she used all of her strength to carry the boy to their tents, placing him in her bed, she had treated his wounds the best she could.

A few days passed, and no one came looking for Jellal surprisingly, he had healed somewhat and was able to speak and move about with little difficulty. He thanked Erza, comforted her and reassured her many times it wasn't her fault, wiping her tears away and giving her a hug to convince her. They had decided on a different plan, one they could pull off together, it was all or nothing.

They waited and waited, finally sneaking into the office, calling the police and their parents. Explaining the situation. A short while passed and the camp was swarmed with police and parents.

Jellal and Erza were sitting together at the back of an ambulance, treating the new and old wounds. Along with the discovery of the abuse and child labour, Tower Of Heaven was closed down. Passing out from the relief, Jellal and Erza had woken up in the hospital, in beds next to each other along with a few other children. They healed up and began to lead lives as normal children should, they played together, did homework together and generally spent time doing whatever they found fun.

Erza and Jellal had attended different middle schools but even so, they stayed in contact and would often meet up on school breaks and days off, holding study sessions or watching movies together. Finding a lovely discovery that they would both be attending Fairy Tail, the joy between the two was evident. As if the entirety of them knowing eachother had finally reached a level which required taking a different step, Jellal nervously asked Erza out on a date. To go with him to the summer festival at his local shrine, almost passing out when he saw Erza in her yukata. The date was a great success and upon the discovery of the mutual feelings the two had decided to begin dating. And that was the start of Jellal and Erza...

Ello Everyone!! Hope you enjoyed the back stories/ history of some of the ships. Also Thank you all for almost 400 Reads!!!! Next chapter will be out soon.

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