Chapter 14 : A Grand Plan In Motion

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Lucy had woken up to see the sunlight spilling into her room from the curtains which she forgot to close last night, sitting up slightly and looking towards her alarm clock, the blonde noticed she woke up an hour earlier than usual. Yawning and rubbing her eyes to kickstart her waking routine, Lucy had decided to get ready for school anyways.

Packing her usual two lunches, one and a half being for her ravenous pink haired classmate who seemed to have a bottomless pit for a stomach, she chuckled at her own analogy and locked her apartment before turning to leave.

As she was walking down, she caught a glimpse of the familiar pale blonde hair. Running down, she went to greet him.

Sting had woken up at his usual time and was doing his normal morning jog, when unexpectedly he saw Lucy waving and calling out to him.

"Good morning Sting!" Lucy said cheerfully, truth be told she could not help but feel a slight blush creep to her cheeks when she looked at Sting. This was the first time she had ever seen him in casual clothing...even so, a black tank top was revealing his well sculpted arms and chiselled chest... Along with a light coat of sweat and his slightly dishevelled hair, it was almost as she were looking at someone completely different.

"Morning Lucy" Sting said, slightly out of breath from his fast paced jogging

"You're up early today" He continued his sentence noticing her dressed and ready for school.

"Yeah! I was actually hoping to run into you by some chance...I was going to head to school already" Lucy replied

"O-Oh I see, will you be alright? Walking to school alone..." Sting asked, slight disappointment had dampened his voice. He probably wouldn't want to admit that he had come to seriously enjoy Lucy's company...

"Yeah I'll be fine! I know the way" Lucy spoke as she waved a quick goodbye and happily skipped off to school

Sting watched the girl from the back, noticing her figure become more distant...He brought his hands to his face, roughly hitting his cheeks a few times before starting his jog again. "Why do I feel so...disappointed?" Sting thought to himself as he tried to bury his thoughts with intense exercise.

The school finally comes into view as Lucy walked closer and closer, stopping for a moment...Seeming to appreciate her new life here, a comfortable life that she had settled into...

She walked into school, noticing it was quite desolate... Probably because it's so early.

Walking into an unfamiliarly quiet school building. Lucy decided to walk around and explore her school a bit more.

She walked and walked, until she came across a section of the school which she had not yet been, the side that was kept for the clubs. As she walked, she spotted an open door, curiosity beckoning her to take a peek, Lucy silently walked and stuck her head into the small building... "It's the archery club.."

Lucy came into the club room and walked further in... it appeared to be empty, until her eyes were met with Erza...

She was standing still, eyes closed and a deep inhale broke the subtle silence, as her arms drew back the bow...Her arms were firm, no sign of shaking or unsteadiness and the undeniable beauty of her form...It was breath taking and intimidating, Lucy stood in amazement. Ezra exhaled as her eyes opened and her fingers released the arrow, the arrow flew a straight path, hitting perfectly in the centre of its intended target.

Lowering her bow, Erza had a faint smile...

"Good morning my cute kouhai" Erza's voice rang out across the empty room, startling Lucy.

"G-good morning Erza-senpai!" Lucy hastily replied as she was caught off guard.

"Are you interested in joining the Archery club?" Erza said with a small smile and soft voice

"Uh.. no, I was just curious. I haven't been here before, also I can't actually join any clubs..." Lucy said with a slight chuckle as she played with her hair.

"I see... I was hoping you would join one of the clubs I'm in" Erza continued with a small smile, hinting at slight surprise and disappointment

"You're in more than one club Erza-senpai?"

"Of course! I'm in the Archery club, Kendo club, Mixed Martial Arts club and Track ... And I am the captain of all of them!" Erza exclaimed proudly with her chest puffed out in pride

Lucy was so surprised and dropped her head to the side in disbelief...

"And you're the captain of all of them... you sure are amazing Erza-senpai" Lucy said

"Even so, you not joining any clubs, will make it harder for you to make friends" Erza elaborated as if she were deep in thought with genuine concern of her kouhai's social life.

Lucy also gave it a little thought... When suddenly Erza brought her hands together.

"I have an idea!" She exclaimed

"I got coupons for the new cake shop that opened in the shopping arcade! You mentioned you wanted to go shopping as well."

Lucy thinks back to when she asked Erza about the shopping.

"I remember that...I still haven't had a chance to go yet" Lucy says

"I propose a Girls Day Out!! You've already met Levy and we can invite Juvia!" Erza says, obviously excited for her proposal

Lucy agrees, admittedly is looking forward to this, she is actually feeling a swell of excitement.

"That sounds good senpai! Can I leave the details up to you?" Lucy asks

"Of course! Leave it to me!"

Hey everyone! My sincere apologies for taking so long to get this chapter out! For a while I was suffering such bad writers block to the point of where I temporarily lost my passion for writing (I don't even know how that's possible but apparently it is) I'd  also like to thank everyone who helped me through my rough patch by encouraging me to continue writing and stop stressing so much. =^.^=

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