Chapter 1- school shopping

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Emma's P.O.V.
Wearing a long sleeve romper, Black background with peachy/pink flowers all over it.

I only have my mom for a few hours because she's taking me shopping for my school uniform then dropping me off at my dorm.

There are a whole bunch of stores that sell different uniforms for different schools but apparently my new school has its own store in the mall so that's where we're headed. On the way there we find a whole bunch of shoe stores; because there isn't a dress code on shoes, I buy a whole bunch of different pairs. Another amazing thing about this school, they basically pay for anything that's "school related", soooooooo looks like I'm not going to be paying for anything for a while. Though while I'm here I really would like to get a job just to have the extra money.

We finally reach a map of the mall to find the store where my school uniform is and thankfully it's not that far, but we do have to go up an escalator. I'm honestly a little scared of escalators. It's really just the getting on part that scares me. My mom is the best because whenever I'm scared she knows how to distract me. We stepped onto the escalator and tried to look for easier ways to carry our bags from previous stores. My mom put one bag around her head and looked at me with a very weird face. Since she was a couple steps above me it looked even funnier. I started to laugh uncontrollably which made it hard to see or talk or even breathe. I looked over to the next lane of people who were obviously going down and there was just a group of guys wearing outfits from my school. They were all laughing and having a good time while checking out their outfits. At the end of this long line of stupidly attractive guys, was someone that caught my attention. He was smiling at who I'm assuming is his friend. He was fixing his friends tie and could not stop laughing at him. First of all.... his laugh sent me to heaven. Second of all.... his smile is the cutest thing on earth. Third.... I didn't know they made faces like that... he looked like an actual prince, or like a model, or something like that, I immediately blushed and continued laughing, though by now it turned into an awkward giggle. The prince passed me and I could now see the younger ones face. We made immediate eye contact, making me turn around so I could see him. He tapped the prince on his shoulder and said, "HYUNG.... LOOK", as he pointed at me. The prince looked at me and chuckled before nodding his head like he's mentally saying "sup bro", I just smiled and turned around to face my mom. It was pretty good timing as well because we were just about to get off. I still stumbled because when I get nervous my legs and hands start to shake and I just feel unbalanced. I guess I was VERY nervous. My mom gets mad at me when she sees me gawking over guys because she knows I have a boyfriend. She hasn't even met him yet. It doesn't matter to me. As long as I don't hit on him I'm okay. If only she knew.... but also like.... how could not you stare at something that fine.

I'm bumping into things while we're walking around the store because I'm so lost into my imagination of what I could be doing with that prince. I want to get to know him. At least be friends with him or something. I hope he's a good guy. There aren't many hot guys that are really nice.

I finally get fitted for my uniform and I buy 7 of them because honestly I get pretty lazy with my laundry, mostly because I'm a busy person.

Shopping felt like an actual blur when I got back to my dorm. My dad has been moving all of my stuff from old school to my new one, and when we got back he was asleep on the couch. Yeah I have a freaking couch. There's a full kitchen, a huge bathroom, and 2 bedrooms. Also some weird closet next to the door. Apparently I was supposed to have a roommate but I guess they got a new room or something.

My parents finally had to leave and I was so sad to see them go. But I had to go for orientation. I had to get my schedule, find out where all my classes are, and check out some of the clubs. Tomorrow we don't have any classes so anything I don't finish today I can just do tomorrow.

During orientation all students wear their uniforms.

I took a long look at all of the classes and after choosing most of them I still had to fill one elective spot. I remember hearing that this school was known for their art programs so I took a class that was labeled "general art".

After signing up for all of my classes I decided to find out where they were so I wouldn't be late for any of them on the first day. I found out that each each subject on the college campus had its own building so there about 10 buildings and each one had about 5 floors. Behind those buildings I saw a huge court yard which looked more like a park and a bunch of different sidewalks that lead to a giant cafeteria. Directly behind the cafeteria is where the dorms are all located. Next to the dorms there are some houses that students can rent. They're set up in a huge neighborhood. That's where my boyfriend lives. Usually they're for sororities and fraternities but my boyfriend lives alone. I haven't told him yet that I switched over to his school so I don't dare go near his neighborhood.

After checking out all of my classes I grab something quick to eat from the cafeteria and head back to my dorm.

I realize I still have some boxes to unpack so I turn on some music and get absolutely nothing done. Well... I get some stuff done. I always say I work better with music but that's a lie, I just like working with music better, it's so much more fun.

After staying up all night and trying to unpack my stuff, I crash on the couch.

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