Chapter 14- the art gallary

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Emma's P.O.V.

The last 2 weeks have been amazing. I've started working on my weight loss goal so I can be a flyer. Alyssa is already teaching me some stunts. I'm performing them on my bed and the couch for right now. It's been made very clear to me that Taehyung likes me, he doesn't know I have a boyfriend, I should probably tell him but I don't want to ruin his art gallery day. He's been talking about it every day and he looked so excited about it. He prepared a speech and only Jungkook has heard it. He wants to surprise everyone.

Everyone is dressed in their school uniforms so we can represent our school. Taehyung looks nervous as the other other art pieces are shown off. He gets thrown off by other students from other schools making their speeches so he keeps mumbling his speech. 

The announcer guy came up and unveiled Taehyungs painting before announcing his name. The guys, Alyssa, and I all stood up to applaud him. In a room full of fancy high class people we were the only ones barking at him like a bunch of wild dogs.

"Hello... my name is Kim Taehyung... I would like to start out by saying, art is not my passion, unlike all of the other artists that came here today, I don't have a huge passion for art, it calms me down sometimes and I do think art is beautiful, but the only reason I'm so good at it is because I've been in an art class since kindergarten, that's where I met some of my best friends, they're the reason I stayed in my art class, they're the reason I'm so good at art. My true passion is performing, singing, and dancing. So when I'm in art class I take my passion for those things and display them through art. Now you might be thinking, 'what does a beautiful princess have to do with performing?', the answer to that question is.... it doesn't. So why was I so compelled to paint this beautiful princess for my art project? Because it was about happiness. A long time ago I was in a relationship. This relationship almost lasted 4 years. She cheated on me. I was devastated. It was a high school relationship so obviously there was a small chance that it would last but I had so much hope. My heart was broken. It obviously took a while to get over. But it was the help of my friends that got me through it. They made me realize I deserved better. So I told myself. I'm going to find someone better. I'm going to find myself a princess. A beautiful princess. She'd have beautiful green eyes, long brown hair, and smooth pale skin. The idea of this girl got me through a hard time. She was just a fake girl I made up in my mind to get through a tough time and I didn't actually think I'd meet her. Until one day. I was on an escalator. I found her. I met her. I fell in love with her. I painted this before I knew her because it was a symbol for my happiness. I don't need this painting anymore because I'm happy now. I don't need a reminder to be happy. I am happy. Thank you".

I feel.... overwhelmed. He received a standing ovation from the boys, Alyssa, and I. When he walked off the stage, he walked into another room. We were all confused and he nodded for us to come in his direction. When we all started walking over, he put his hand out to say stop then pointed at me and gestured for me to come over. There was still a little confusion from the boys but Alyssa explained and I walked over.

Taehyung opened the door for me and I hesitantly walked inside. It was a small empty room. The floor, walls, and ceiling are all white much like the rest of the museum. As soon as Taehyung closed the door he said, "I love you... that might be too soon to say, but my idea of love is someone you care deeply about so it's accurate", "Taehyung...", I said trying to interrupt before he said, "wait... please listen... I need to get this off my chest... I know you have stuff going on and I want to help you I care about you so much and I don't want to see you sad anymore. I want to be with you. I want to take care of you. I know you like me too and I just want a chance. You make me so happy", by now he was already grabbing my hands. I was lost in his eyes, or maybe he was lost in mine. I stutter at first but I manage to say, "I can't", his smile fades and his eyes look lost. His hands fall to his side and he takes a step back. I immediately step forward and hold the back of his head with my hands in his hair. "Taehyung... I wish you could understand... you don't know how much I want to be with you... I have a boyfriend. I know I sound like a horrible girlfriend but I wish you could understand. I really really like you. But I really can't be with you. You'll understand one day", he's been looking at the ground the whole time. He sighs and grabs my wrists that are still around his head. "I'm going to fight for you, I'll make you mine", he says as he removes my hands from his head and puts his arm around my lower back. He opens the door and leads me out. He smiles to the group as we join them and act like nothing happened.

We eventually have to leave the art museum because we were getting too many odd looks from the fancy adults that were there.

We all went out for dinner together and messed around by the lake until midnight. The boys walked Alyssa and I home and I obviously told her everything that went down with Taehyung and I. He's probably already telling the boys. I want him so bad.

Here's a heads up... if you fall asleep crying, your eyelids end up really puffy the next day

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