Chapter 10- are you okay?

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Alyssas P.O.V.

I wake up around 2am to get some water and when I walk past the bathroom, I realize the light is on. "HEY!", I yell banging on the door to see if it was an intruder. "Alyssa?", I hear a soft voice coming from inside. "Emma? You're back?", I ask while trying to open the door, "Emma let me in", "I can't" she says and I could hear her shuffle to the floor. I sit down by the door and and ask her, "are you okay?", it takes her a second but she quietly says, "no... but I don't want to talk about it right now... can you just stay here with me.... I just need to know you're here", I immediately say "yes, of course". It fell silent for about 2 minutes before she says, "Alyssa?", I was about to fall asleep but I opened my eyes and said, "yes?", "did you tell Taehyung?", she asked as she sniffled, now she's crying, I really don't know how to handle people when they cry so I answer her question, "no I didn't, I didn't want to worry him, I told Jungkook but only so he could make up excuses and just help me make things more believable", "thank you, I don't want anyone to know... I have a big secret Alyssa and it's really hard to talk about, nobody knows... it's horrible" at the end she started choking up really bad, "you should talk to someone Emma... they might be able to help you", I tried helping, I'm bad at this stuff. "No I know exactly what they'll say, I know what everyone will say, nobody will understand", now she sounds mad. "I'm really bad at the advice thing but I'm always here if you need to talk... do you have tissues in there", she whimpered the softest, "no", and started to cry. "One second", I told her and ran as fast as I could go the nearest box of tissues. I turned the box on it's side on the floor and let the tissues go through the opening on the bottom. "Thank you Alyssa", she said sniffling, "you're welcome Emma, I'm right here", that was the last thing I remember before falling asleep.

I woke up to the boys knocking on the door. The bathroom door was open and the light was off so I'm guessing Emma went into her room, I'm hoping. I walk outside of the dorm to let the guys know what's going on so Emma doesn't hear me. "Emma ran away after you guys left, I don't know what's going on, she won't tell me, I know she'll be okay, she doesn't want to talk about it, if you see her just act like nothings going on, are we clear?", I said to the boys in a stern tone. I let the boys in for a minute just so I could get changed. I headed out and spent the rest of my day with the boys.

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